Television is increasingly considered as a modern democratic tool able to interact with the public. Have you ever experienced that feeling of relaxation while watching your preferred TV series comfortably seated on a sofa with or without best friends or beloved? Multi-episode TV shows from international productions are now satisfying all tastes with a wide variety of formats and genres, fictional or non-fictional, topical or historical.

It is no coincidence if H.S.H. Prince Rainier III conceived in 1961 a festival entirely devoted to TV programmes well ahead of His time. The 59th edition of ‘Festival de Télévision de Monte-Carlo’ (Monte-Carlo Television Festival) #MonteCarloTvFestival, held at the Grimaldi Forum from 14th until 18th June 2019, under the high patronage of H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco, promises to be full of surprises and special guests within the show biz. Starting from the presence of a Hollywood undisputed icon of the telescreen, playing both as a well-known actor and a producer. Michael Douglas, accompanied by his wife Catherine Zeta Jones, will be awarded at the Final Ceremony the most prestigious Crystal Nymph award by the Sovereign Prince.

A symbolic prize inspired by the Nymph Salmacis originally designed by the Monegasque artist François-Joseph Bosio, chief sculptor at the court of Louis XVIII. A golden classical figure to celebrate his brilliant 40-year career inaugurated with the role of inspector Steve Keller in ‘The Street of San Francisco’ TV series in 1970’s. That will be for Douglas icing on a ‘delicious cake’ after his Oscar as best actor (Wall Street, 1988 directed by Robert Zemeckis) and further international prizes like Golden Globes, César, David di Donatello and BAFTA awards.
But let us see what is new in this festival? HelloMonaco attended the press conference at Monte-Carlo Bay on Thursday, 2nd May 2019, where Laurent Puons, Vice-president of the Festival, unveiled all the novelties. The 2019 edition, presented by Julie Taton, journalist and anchorwoman, will be opened by a world preview of the 1st episode of L.A.’s Finest starring Gabrielle Union (Bad Boys II) and Jessica Alba (Sin City) in the presence of both actresses and H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco, Honorary Chairman.

This drama series, produced by Jerry Bruckheimer Television and 2.0 Entertainment in cooperation with Sony Television Networks, has an intriguing plot filled with suspense that will be released in United States on the 13th May 2019 through on demand Spectrum Originals. “Our Festival has always been presenting to the public and media exceptional new series”, pointed out Mr Puons.
All projected films and documentaries, divided into two main categories fiction and current events, will be submitted to a technical jury made of international stage designers, actors and producers. The French thriller for Tf1 ‘Le temps est assassin’ (Time is a murderer) by the novel of Michel Bussi will introduce Mathilde Seigner in the role of a modern heroine. In addition, the National Geographic documentary ‘Apollo missions to the moon’, will celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Moon Landing.

The Red Carpet will be brightened by major international TV series actors from most popular worldwide projects such as: Ludwig Alexander from Vikings series, Christina Chang and Nicholas Gonzalez from The Good Doctor series.
On the French side, Michel Cymes from the stunning series ‘The Extraordinary Powers of Human Body’, the iconic Michel Drucker, famous animator and producer and the emerging actors Vinnie Dargaud and Claire Chust who confirmed their presence. Furthermore, a special business-oriented dedicated tour package will give the opportunity to television industry professionals to network.
Why is the Monte-Carlo Television Festival so glamour? HelloMonaco asked Laurent Puons (L.P.)

HelloMonaco: How do you feel about this prestigious 2019 Festival?
L.P.: The presence of international stars like Gabrielle Union and Jessica Alba makes this is event more and more important both at international and French level as testified by the preview of TF1 series production. Having Michael Douglas as a special guest, switching from television to cinema, is a real honour and stimulus for young actors. Year after year, positive competition among different TV productions is increasing having a great support within the Monte-Carlo Television Festival Golden Nymph Awarding ceremony. Therefore, this Festival focuses on the quality of all outcomes regardless of their national origins. European projects can compete at the same level as Americans being well exportable. The current boom of digital platforms like Amazon, Netflix, Facebook or Google brings added value to this event acting as a stepping stone for TV Series. The Festival, in fact, enables them to meet, in the Principality, traditional studios like Disney, Fox, CBS, Warner Brothers. Monte-Carlo Television Festival develops in accordance with market growth thanks to the support of our Honorary President. We do believe in what we do.

HelloMonaco: The International TV Audience Awards, in particular, results from various opinion polls held by TV Eurodata in 62 Countries, can you give us a feedback about it?
L.P.: This renowned demographic research company is working specifically for us to create the list of highest-rated TV series depending on the audience satisfaction. We are particularly happy to include this prize since most of American and International studios, being assured by the quality of the result, like it.

HelloMonaco: If you are asked to invite HelloMonaco readers to follow Monte-Carlo Television Festival, what would you say?
L.P.: For years, this event has been boosting series which soon after became mainstream blockbusters like Game of Thrones launched here in 2011. My mission is to work hard to make 2019 and future editions top-quality and even more popular.
To know more about the 59th ‘Festival de Télévision de Monte-Carlo’ please visit :