It is definitely the most influential literary figure in Italy, father of modern Italian language and identity, as well as a remarkable source of inspiration for international poets and writers. Dante Alighieri, the ‘Sommo Poeta’ (Supreme Poet), is a milestone and his allegorical-instructive poem, the ‘Divina Commedia’ (Divine Comedy) represents a cross-section of Italian Medieval social, economic and political life.
The Italian Embassy to the Principality of Monaco and Dante Alighieri Cultural Association in Monaco have just devoted a whole week of events to pay tribute to Dante in the 700th Anniversary from his death in the framework of the 21st Week of the Italian Language in the World. A series of concerts, conferences and meetings have been held to best promote the Italian heritage and strengthen the inter-State relations between Italy and the Principality.

“The Week of the Italian Language in the World was conceived in 2001 by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the ‘Accademia della Crusca’ (major research institution on Italian language) with a growing development to the present day, considered as a cornerstone of the Italian cultural & diplomatic policy”, pointed out H.E. Giulio Alaimo, Ambassador of Italy to the Principality, within his keynote speech on Friday the 22nd October. – “Since the 25th March 2021 more than eight hundred initiatives had been organized worldwide to commemorate Dante focusing on poetry, history, literature up to the artistic creation for children through dedicated comics”, he added.
To celebrate this year’s theme, ‘Dante, l’Italiano’ (Dante, the Italian language), in particular, a special concert performed the ‘Dante Symphonie’ by Listz on Tuesday the 22nd at Rainier III Auditorium in memory of the extraordinary charisma of Gianluigi Gelmetti, former conductor and artistic curator of the Monaco Philharmonic Orchestra as well as president of Monaco’s Dante Alighieri, recently deceased. An amazing piano-duet performance by Michele Campanella and Monica Leone, on the melody of Liszt’s masterpiece, enriched by the white voices choir created an inspiring atmosphere.

Furthermore, Sonia Bergamasco acted some passages from Dante’s Divine Comedy in a very evocative way. It is worthy of note the suggestive historical reconstruction of the Middle Ages Florentine urban context in Dante’s days, by Tullia and Paolo Canciani, interior designers, at the Monegasque Committee of A.I.A.P. within the UNESCO (Quai Antoine 1er) from the 18th until the 23rd October 2021.
The Opera Recital, ‘Dante nell’Opera Italiana’ (Dante in the Italian Opera), performed on the 22nd October 2021 at the presence of H.E. Jacques Boisson, State Secretary of the Sovereign Prince, and the Italian Ambassador at the Théâtre des Variétés, was really poignant. The maestro Fabio Marra, pianist, and Angela Papale, soprano, offered the public an inspiring medley of Italian arias from remarkable composers like Giuseppe Verdi, Gaetano Donizetti, Giacomo Puccini and Pietro Mascagni.

All musical pieces from the Italian ‘melodramma’, masterfully interpreted by the two artists, were linked to Dante’s literary output including a unique ‘Ave Maria’ by Verdi, on the text of the great poet. The emotional soprano aria ‘O Mio Babbino Caro’ (Oh my Dear Daddy) from Puccini’s ‘Gianni Schicchi’ worthily ended a Week in the name of the Italian Culture, synonym for beauty and civilisation.