Organized by the Princely Government, the Monte-Carlo SBM and the Ballets of Monte-Carlo, F(ê)aites de la danse will transform the Casino Square into a huge dance floor for one night, where professionals and amateurs will mix, dancing to the rhythm of a variety of songs.
Some artists will make participants dance, such as Antonio Castrignanò, Italian composer, defender of Puglia’s traditional music used when dancing the ‘Pizzica’, the Tarantella of Salento. The intoxicating rhythm of his music will cause the public to start a big ‘Flash Mob’. A simple choreography has been put online on the site of the Monte-Carlo Ballets so that everyone can learn the dance.
Hip Hop fans will be able to breakdance with the Pokemon Crew, currently the most successful dance team in the field of dance battles.
The Yamakasi PK-Artists of ‘Street Jump’ will put on a ‘parkour’ show: an impressive acrobatic discipline where practitioners aim to get from one point to another in a complex environment, without assistive equipment and in the fastest and most efficient way possible.
Roller-skating will also be represented with Le Patin Libre, a company from Montreal that will combine the contemporary discipline with figure skating on the Casino Square.

Marion Crampe will invite the public to discover Pole dancing in the Casino Atrium. She is described as ‘the Pole Fairy’, developing a style that closely combines dance, contortion and emotion.
For those that wish to dance, dream, listen, sing and meet others, Les P’tites Ouvreuses will dance to songs featuring accordion music and poetic songs for the Guinguette Chic Ball. And for the more nostalgic ones, Les Fleurs de Paris will share with the public a journey through traditional French songs from the 20’s to today. Alessandro Ristori & The Portofinos will demonstrate a different and original kind of music, a mix of American Rock’n’Roll from the 50’s, Italian music from the 60’s and the elegant sound of Crooners.
F(ê)aites de la danse: Saturday 1st of July, Casino Square, free entry.
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Flash mob: