Growing Monegasque families
The mayor of Monaco Georges Marsan accompanied by a number of elects, met recently with the Monegasque families who welcomed their first child this past year at a warm reception in the town hall’s courtyard of honour.
In his speech, Georges Marsan recalled the importance of supporting these young couples. The Petite enfance is a top priority for the community and examples of this commitment can be seen with the creation of the Parental Space started in 2012 that aims to encourage interaction of families and professionals that are part of the petite enfance.
Another priority for the community council is to respond to the ever-growing population, which is why a third kindergarten that will welcome 10 children will open its door from September 2017 onwards.
George Marsan proceeded to genuinely congratulate the happy, new parents and highlight the importance of education as “our children are our future, and will shape the community of the future”.
The atmosphere was relaxed; families and members of the community council were able to interact comfortably. Each child received a pretty blanket with a stitched on teddy bear and the inscription: “Min, sun de Mùnegu” (I am from Monaco).
This mothers and fathers day celebration organized by the city council reinforces the magical feeling of having your first child and demonstrates their willingness to support Monegasque families.