For the last 28 years the Principality of Monaco has hosted the world’s most impressive international superyacht meeting in its emblematic Port Hercules. Every year, the world’s most respected shipyards display 120 extraordinary one-off superyachts and megayachts, of which 40 new launches are annually unveiled in a worldwide debut.
On docks, the MYS curates the showcase of a selection of 580 leading companies in the industry: from the most reputable superyacht builders and nautical suppliers, top yacht designers, luxury manufactures and the best brokerage houses to the most sought-after tenders and water toys, prestige cars, helicopter and private jet manufacturers.

The Monaco Yacht Show is an event by Informa and gratefully benefits from the recognition and the support of His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco.
Among the 2018 collection of luxury yachts, 40 are brand-new designs that will be unveiled by leading shipyards to showcase their work, as is the case every year. While the final decision to exhibit a yacht always remains with the owners, their agents and representatives work closely with the organizers of the show to allow it to offer the finest showcase of superyachts available.

Today, several exciting initiatives at the Show prove that organisers are not happy to rest on their well deserved laurels. In fact, the Show is proving that they are dedicated to future-proofing their success with developments such as the Monaco Yacht Summit, the Starboard exhibitionlounge, the Tenders & Toys exhibition area, the Car Deck – dedicated to rare and exclusive luxury cars – or the MYS Sapphire Experience, a VIP program of visit reserved to the wealthy clientele of the Show.

The MYS exhibition will extend once again over almost the whole of Port Hercules and will also benefit from the restructuring by the Principality of Monaco of the Quai des États-Unis, giving priority to the presence of naval architects, shipyards and brokers on the quays right next to their yachts on display in the water. Visitors will also find a new line of superyachts at right-angles to the Quai des États-Unis, replacing the former floating pontoon connected to the Central T.
As the yachting industry itself expanded exponentially over the past 20 years, so did the Monaco Yacht Show, with the 2018 edition expecting 580 exhibitors hailing from 38 different countries and an unrivalled total of 121 of the world’s most impressive superyachts on display. Moreover, the yachts at this year’s edition are slightly larger, with an average length of 51.5m for the motor yachts on display compared to an average length of 49.5m for the last three editions. Not only the average length has increased, but also the average volume, which went up by almost 15%, from an average 623GT over the past three editions to an average 714GT in 2018. The same pattern can be seen in the average value of yachts on display, which has increased to EUR 27 million this year, compared to an average EUR 25.9 million.

The 3rd edition of the Monaco Yacht Summit will take place on September 25th, 2018, during the day at the Méridien Beach Plaza Hotel. The event will be attended by a delegation of pre-qualified participants interested in embarking on a yachting experience. In a format combining mini-lectures and private discussions, a panel of acknowledged experts in the yachting industry will examine the practical questions future yacht charterers or buyers should ask during negotiations.

Every year the MYS innovates and this year there will be an Art Expo alongside the Show. Last year’s thirty thousand visitors was a result of tireless efforts by the MYS team – but the absolute number is not the “Be-all and End-all”. It is the quality of the Show’s draw that counts. To this end there are highly targeted campaigns – for example, the VIP Sapphire package that couples a visit to the Principality with jaunts on the most beautiful boats and yachts at the Show.
Do not miss the 28th annual running of the The Yacht Show (MYS) in the Principality with 580 exhibitors from September 26th to September 29th.
Source: Monaco Yacht Show