Signature Dishes of the Principality of Monaco is a distinctive publication highlighting the exceptional culinary scene of the Principality, whilst focusing on gastronomical specialities and offering an overview of the heritage of Monaco.
The Gourmand Awards are the major Food Culture event in the world held annually since 1995. It is like a culinary Olympics, where this year (2018) three Monaco related books were selected to the shortlist of the finalists.
In 2018 there were entries from 215 countries and regions for this exceptional culinary distinction and the jury just announced the category shortlists for the Gourmand Awards, featuring the book of Bradley Mitton and Zsolt Szemerszky in two different categories as well. Notably, other categories are also featuring further two titles from the Principality of Monaco.
Thanks to the invaluable help from the Monaco Government Tourist Office in New York and the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, authors Bradley Mitton and Zsolt Szemerszky in this culinary guide offer its readers a unique experience as they present a rare insight into the characters and personalities behind these wonderful gastronomical locations.
The book has been produced as an exceptional joint effort thanks to supportive chefs including Alain Ducasse, Benoît Witz, Christophe Cussac, Christophe Dupuy, Dominique Lory, Jean-Claude Brugel, Joël Robuchon, Marcel Ravin, Paolo Sari, Philippe Joannès and Takéo Yamasaki as well as accommodating sommeliers including Damien Borghi, Noël Bajor, Frédéric Woelffle and Massimo Sacco.

Thanks to these accomplished contributors the Signature Dishes of the Principality of Monaco book features chefs who together hold over 50 Michelin stars.

The publication is in competition with the following international titles in the B12 category:
- Belgium – Gert De Mengeleer unplugged,(Luster)
- China – Simplissime (PHEI) 9787121313622
- Cyprus – Cyprus Culinary Journey, in Russian, Marianne Salentin-Traeger
- France – Cuisine & Dietetique Occident Arabe Medieval, Catherine Guillaumond (Harmattan)
- El Salvador – Sabores Deliciosos, Alicia Maher (Pacific Apicius)
- Iran – Pomegranates and Roses, Ariana Bundy (Rowzanesh)
- Mexico – Flavors of Nayarit, Alondra Maldonado (Paz Mexico)
- Monaco – Signature Dishes of the Principality of Monaco, Bradley Milton, Zsolt Szemerszky (Createspace)
- Netherlands – Green Kitchen at Home, David Frenkiel, Luise Vindahl (Becht)
- Portugal – Manger comme un Portugais, Lucy Pepper, Celia Pedroso (Lua de Papel)
- Russia – I love to eat Fruits and Vegetables (Kid Kiddos – Canada)
- South Korea – On va deguster, Translator Hyo Jong Kang (Citron Macaron)
- Spain – Mallorca in der Kuche, Margalida Castella (Souveir)
- Sweden – Nordisk Kokbok, Magnus Nilsson (Max Strom)
- Syria – Scents and Flavors, Charles Perry (Library of Arab Literature)
- Taiwan – Jerusalem, Ottolenghi, Tamimi (Morningstar)
- USA – Mouthfeel, Ole G. Mouritsen (Columbia University)

And it also competes in the Mediterranean cookbooks category:
- Australia – Greek Life, Eugenia Pantahos
- Belize – Nefry’s Kitchen, Nefretery Nancy Marin
- Cyprus – Cyprus Food Treasures, Marilena Joannides (Marilenio)
- France – Ma Cuisine Algerienne, Sherazade Laoudedj (Solar)
- Gibraltar – Cocina de Gibraltar, Mama Lottie’s, Justin Bautista
- Monaco – Signature Dishes of the Principality of Monaco, Bradley Milton, Zsolt Szemerszky, Olga Taran (Createspace)
- New Zealand – The Adriatic Kitchen, Barbara Unkovic (Exisle)
- Palestine – The Palestinian Table, Reem Kassis (Phaidon)
- Philippines – French Kusina, Xavier Btesh ((Anvil)
- Portugal – Living the Xtra Virgin Life, Claudia Villax (Casa das Letras)
- Spain Castellano- Cocina Griega, Maria Zannia (Nobel)
- Spain Catalan – La gastronomia dels camins, Marisa Benavente. Pilar Herrera (Sidilla)
- Sweden – Azur, Joel Ahlin (NOK)
- Switzerland – Meze ohne Gronzen, Gabi Kopp (Rotpunkt)
- Turkey – Mediterranean Gourmet Cuisine for children, Aslihan Sabanci (Sedes)
- UAE – Khadija’s Kitchen, Salwan Alshaibani, Dr.Narine Abushakra (Pellbound Media)
- UK – Oklava, Selim Kiazim (Mitchell Beazley)
- USA – Lebanese Kitchen, Lucie Taboulie (St Martins)
The winners of the Gourmand Awards will be announced on May 26-27, 2018.
The book is available: Club Vivanova (free EU delivery):
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