An eclectic, international exhibition is currently on display in Monaco at the 11 Colombia Gallery entitled The Castle of Crossed Destinies (‘Le Château des Destins Croisés’). The exhibition brings together works by writer Michel Hoellebecq, American artist Rob Pruitt, Japanese artist Shimabuku, Norwegian artist Torbjørn Rødland as well as punk artist Jean-Luc Verna. This exhibition is a collaboration between the 11 Columbia Gallery and the Air de Paris Gallery.
The title of the exhibition was inspired by the novel of the same name by Italo Calvino and deals with climate issues by portraying works of art which display barren, frozen scenes. Italo Calvino’s novel is an exploration in how meaning is created through the written word and with symbolic, prophetic images.

Edouard Merino, from the Air de Paris Gallery, sees the exhibition as conveying issues in the climate debate as well as issues of class. The timing of the exhibition, right after Christmas celebrations, is a poignant time to demonstrate these problems in a manner which is still joyful at the same time.
The exhibition includes contemporary drawings, paintings, photography, sculpture and design. The Castle of Crossed Destinies is on display until the 31st of January at the 11 Colombia Gallery, located at 11 avenue Princesse Grace, Monaco.