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The Monte-Carlo International Circus Festival Takes a Health Break in 2021

Created by her father Prince Rainier in 1974, and now the premier circus in the world under the Presidency of Princess Stephanie, The Monte-Carlo International Circus Festival has had to pause and take a bow to the Covid-19 pandemic for 2021. 

45th Edition will take place from 20th to 30th of January 2022

Sadly, the Organizing Committee of the International Circus Festival of Monte-Carlo, under the Presidency of H.S.H. Princesse Stéphanie, announces to all dear friends of the Festival the postponement of its 45th Edition to 20th to 30th of January 2022, as well as the changing of the dates for the 10th Competition of young circus-artists “New Generation” to February 5th and 6th 2022.

In view of the sanitary and health conditions around Covid-19, which has affected so many of the greatest cultural events in the world, this decision has been taken in accordance with the government of Monaco. 

Remembering that this spectacular show-piece, this unique Circus-Event presents more than 200 artists from over 20 countries and receives a very international public, the intricate logistics demand a 12 month pause as the world heals itself. 

The Monte-Carlo International Circus Festival Takes a Health Break in 2021

And so for 2021 the most prestigious and respected prize in the world of the circus, namely the «Golden Clown» (Clown d’Or) award must remain back-stage awaiting to be awarded in 2022. 

The Principality and Princess Stephanie and the Organizing Committee announce their regret for this decision, but in view of the responsibility towards the health and security of everybody they certainly may count on all our understanding.

In fact the enthusiasm will only continue to build even more during 2021 until all friends of the Monte Carlo Circus Festival meet again in January and February 2022 in the Principality around the most famous Circus-ring in the world.

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