Monaco's statistics

The economy and life in Monaco in numbers

Area: 195 hectars

Latitude: 43° 43′ 49′

Longitude: 7° 25′ 36′

Population: 35 646 people
Monegasques 8 346
Female 4 740
Male 3 606
Marriages/Divorces per year
Marriages 197
Divorces 80
125 nationalities
Monegasques 20%
French 32%
Italians 20%
British 5%
Americans 1%
Monaco employees – residents in Monaco 7 540
Monaco employees – residents in the region 33 642
Number of tourists / per year 264 540
GDP Monaco, 000 Euro 4 492 737
Budget: expenses, Euro 744 209 751
Budget: profits, Euro 805 530 947
Sources of state income
VAT 47%
Legal deals 13%
Real Estate 10%
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