
The interview with professional equestrian and born-New Yorker Georgina Bloomberg

The Jumping International de Monte-Carlo spectacularly brings together the best riders from around the world for a show-jumping competition, including the excitement of racing against the clock. The prestigious event was held over the span of three days, from June 30th to July 2nd.
Georgina Bloomberg, professional equestrian and born-New Yorker, represented the American team during this year’s Jumping International de Monte-Carlo. She is also the owner of the equestrian team New York Empire.
An inspiration to any and all competitors alike— Georgina shared with HelloMonaco her original reluctance when she began riding, “I hated it, I was terrified. But I was more stubborn than I was afraid so I refused to give up… what I really fell in love with was the competition.” Certainly a noteworthy acknowledgment reflecting her determination to stay the course which remains unwavering today.
Our magazine is grateful to have had the exciting opportunity to interview Georgina. In our interview, we got insight as to what moulded her into a renowned professional equestrian, her most notable accomplishments, and the current projects she is working on.
Georgina Bloomberg
Georgina Bloomberg@ LGCT
HelloMonaco: When and how did you first become involved with horses and riding? 
Georgina Bloomberg: My mother wanted my sister and I to be around animals as much as possible. My sister started taking some riding lessons and I just wanted to do everything that she was doing. I took a few riding lessons. I hated it; I was terrified, but I was more stubborn than I was afraid so I refused to give up. I stayed with it and I loved it. I think you have to love the ponies and the horses to be involved in the sport, but what I really fell in love with was the competition. As soon as I started competing I really loved it. Idid my first horse show when I was 6 years old. I liked the idea of working at home on something. I was the kind of child who wanted attention. I wanted to be in front of the crowd. I think if I did not do this I would probably be involved in some form of entertainment or acting.
HelloMonaco: Where mostly do you train? 
Georgina Bloomberg: We are in Florida during the winter. We are down there from December until April, and for the rest of year we have a farm about an hour to the North of New York City. We are here for the summer. I used to spend much more time over here, but now as my son gets older it is harder to travel that much. We are currently based in Belgium.
HelloMonaco: How do you manage the travel logistics for horses?  Do they fly over with you?
Georgina Bloomberg: Sort of – they fly over a few weeks before. The horses are very used to flying, usually a couple times per year.
HelloMonaco: Did you change many of the horses you were riding during your career? 
Georgina Bloomberg: Yeah, you always have to rotate the horses. There are always one or two horses who are injured, or just can’t jump at the required level. Because this is a very top level, the horses are not able to jump at this level for a long time.
Georgina Bloomberg
HelloMonaco: Do you pick the horses by yourself or do you have an advisor? 
Georgina Bloomberg: Sometimes, yes. You are always looking for a good horse, and always have your eye out for the next one.
HelloMonaco: Have you been here before? What are your expectations from Monaco Jumping? 
Georgina Bloomberg: Before Covid we used to come and spend most of the summer here. Sometimes we stayed in Germany, and sometimes we based ourselves in Belgium. We travel all over the place for the horse shows. We have been coming to Europe for the summer for the last 15 years or so.
I don’t have major expectations. I don’t have top horses right now; I’m in the process of developing a couple of horses. I have a lot of things going on in my life at the moment. I had an injury in January. I am still getting back to jumping at a top level. I would like just to have a good show and enjoy being in Monaco.
HelloMonaco wishes Georgina Bloomberg good luck in future competitions and we remain in awe of her success!
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