Every year, No Finish Line sets out to create new challenges in the name of charity. Last year, almost 13,000 runners and walkers travelled 436,968 km, raising 436,968 euros for projects for children. The goals for this 19th edition of the event: a target of 444,444 euros, meaning 444,444 km in 8 days!
Number of participants expected: 14,000;
Duration of the event: from Saturday 10 November at 2pm to Sunday 18 November 2pm;
Location: Fontvieille Marquee;
Track: 1400 m;
Team: 50 volunteers from Children & Future.
The captain of the AS Monaco basketball team, Amara Sy, has chosen to invest with Children & Future and is the new sponsor of No Finish Line 2018. His commitment demonstrates that his heart is as great as his talent for basketball.
Two actors from the France 3 series ‘Plus belle la vie’, Stephanie Pareja and Rebecca Hampton, will be present for the launch of the No Finish Line.
The rules
→ This year, the direction of the 1400m circuit in the district of Fontvieille will be reversed to give more ease to the runners (beginning under the Fontvieille Marquee in the direction of the rose garden).
→ Unchanged security measures: full barriers; 3 entrances / exits with security controls and bag searches (‘Marquee’, ‘Creche’, ‘Rose Garden’).
→ Participation / registration: 24 hours a day from 10 to 18 November on the circuit at the Fontvieille marquee, (€12 for adults and €6 for children under 10 years of age, individual chip deposit of €10).
→ Refuelling: on the circuit and open at all hours.

During the course of the event, some participants will have two objectives: to run for a good cause and to win one of two competitions taking place during this 19th edition:
→ The 24 hours non-stop: This official event, listed in the French Athletics Federation calendar, will take place from Saturday 17 November, 9am to Sunday 18 November, 9am. (Limited to 100 spots).
→ The 8 days: No Finish Line offers 45 athletes a chance to run for 9 days and 8 nights from 10 November 2pm to 18 November 2pm. In 2017, the winning man travelled 1,026 kms and the winning woman travelled 794 kms. The No Finish Line record, since its inception is 1,041 km (in 2012) and still needs to be beaten!
→ Comfort breaks. Osteopaths and chiropodists are present to provide care and assistance to participants after their sporting efforts.
Number of participants since 1999, No Finish Line’s first year: 110,365 participants. 3,073,741 km traveled. 3,234,266 euros donated to projects for sick and disadvantaged children.
The No Finish Line is a wonderful charity race, a sporting event whose growing success is the result of 3 factors: a simple principle of participation, accessible to all: running or walking on the 1,400 m circuit, open 24 hours a day for 8 days, for as many times and as many kilometres as desired; twenty projects supported each year and transparency regarding the use of funds raised.
Lace up your sneakers and join your community on the track to help a good cause, from 10 to 18 November in Monaco.