The United Kingdom educational system is hosting the second largest number of international students, following United States, according to 2019 ‘Education at the Glance’ Report by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), showing a significant investment rate and global attractiveness. In this view, the first Monegasque edition of British Boarding Schools Show was held at Fairmont Hotel, on the 19th September 2019, with the aim at assisting resident and Monegasque families to make the best choice for a top-class schooling devoted to their children and teenagers. This event has supported dozens of thousands of communities worldwide for over a decade.

“I think that our inaugural event in Monaco, is a big success, perhaps the strongest launch of any of our 40+ Schools Shows in the last decade in terms of numbers but more crucially for the quality of enquiries and conversations”, pointed out David Wellesley Wesley, Founding Director of British Boarding Schools Show, entrepreneur and co-founder of Bonas MacFarlane Education. But what makes the British School System so appealing? HelloMonaco, media partner of the event, collected some feedbacks from some relevant partners.

Helen O’Hara (H.O.), personal Assistant to Admissions & Advancement Director, introduced us Aiglon College, a Switzerland-based British Institute founded in 1949 by John Corlette with the purpose to create a community, besides a school, based on a solid expertise involving mind, body and spirit.

HelloMonaco: Mrs O’Hara, could you briefly describe your educational institution and its strengths?
H.O.: We are an international Boarding School, about two hours far from Geneva, representing over 60 different nationalities so that we have a really diverse global environment. We offer a very busy programme following IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education). The IB (International Baccalaureate) internationally recognized diploma is a good representation of what we are offering as a school together with our full-board academic and extra-curricular activities. Therefore, most students who leave final courses move to United States and UK universities. The admission process starts typically one year in advance.
John and Michele Rogowski (J&M.R.), Admissions Responsible at St David’s College, independent Boarding & Day School located in North Wales, gave us some feedbacks about their innovative well-established school based in the National Park of Snowdonia, close to Llandudno seaside resort.

HelloMonaco: Mr and Mrs Rogowski, could you please tell us something about your College and the added value?
J&M.R.: St David’s College is a small independent co-educational and boarding school that was founded almost 55 years ago, back in 1965, by John Mayor, headmaster, originally addressed to those pupils who were maybe falling through the regular education system. We are offering everybody an innovative approach grounded on the Founder’s visionary philosophy to treat each of them as an individual. Thus, we accept all ways of learning, academic abilities, helping any dyslexia or other associated learning needs through a SENCo (Special Education Needs Coordinator). International students are usually involved in a skype conversation with our senior team to understand which kind of support any student may need. Admission process usually starts from one year onwards.
Alexander Nikitich (A.N.), Founder of Carfax International Education Group, London-based company domiciled in Monaco since 2011, described HelloMonaco its world tutoring centre network that can provide a high-standard knowledge service as well as a support to entry academic requirements.

HelloMonaco: What makes the British system unique, in your opinion?
A.N.: All-round dedication to form a multi-skilled whole person is a key element that goes beyond just putting some knowledge in student’s head. This is the result of a long-lasting British tradition up to more than a thousand years.
James Barton (J.B.), Director of Recruitment at Mander Portman Woodward (MPW), leading independent college established in 1973 and set in London, Birmingham and Cambridge, just beside some of the most prestigious UK university campuses.

HelloMonaco: Mr. Barton, how important do you consider students’ guidance to choose the most suitable university career within the British system?
J.B.: It is essential. We are trying to help students to cope with the University outcome by pushing them to engage with the idea of what they might do in the future. Teaching responsibly to teenagers should be exciting but also guiding them to the next stage. Many international students are open to invest in the British system that is suitable for those scholars who would like to study in UK and United States universities. Furthermore, the British system tends to be a system that helps who wants to be professionally or have an expertise in the field he/she would like to work.

“Preparing children in a morally conscious way taking in account all aspects of education not only the academic form is definitely an added value”, highlighted Dr Christopher Wilson, Headmaster at Lockers Park, Pre-prep and Preparatory co-education school. Arabella Stuart, Admissions and Communications Director at co-educational and boarding prestigious Sevenoaks School (founded in 1432), explained to HelloMonaco that academic excellence goes through by a comprehensive programme of study combined with stimulating teaching and pleasant environment. “Finding the right accommodation close to educational institutions can be stressful and difficult since some real estate is not in public domain or placed in the wrong place, so it is crucial to have someone helping you“, underlined Henry Heaton, Senior Property Advisor at Bonas MacFarlane.

To sum up, the 1st British Boarding Schools Show in Monaco was well appreciated as witnessed by Niall Hamilton, Senior Admissions Tutor at Marlborough College, historical co-educational full boarding school for pupils founded in 1843 and inspired by outstanding curricula as well as moral principles. “The great revelation for me was how deeply the Monegasques are interested in education. The show has been remarkably busy so far and in the space of five hours I had over twenty interviews and requests for further information. I would certainly want to build on this visit and return next year”, concluded Mr. Hamilton.

Useful links
British Boarding Schools Show, Monaco:
Bonas MacFarlane Education:
Aiglon Switzerland:
Preparatory – IB – IGCSE – Co-education – Specific Learning Difficulty Support / Age range: 9-18
St David’s College:
Preparatory – Senior – A level – Specific Learning Difficulty Support / Age range: 9-19
Carfax International, Monaco:
Mander Portman Woodward:
Senior – A level – IGCSE – Co-education / Age range: 15 – 19+
Lockers Park:
Co-education – Pre-prep – Preparatory – Boys only / Age range: 4-13
Sevenoaks School:
Senior – IB – IGCSE – Co-education / Age range: 11-18
Marlborough College:
Senior – A level – IGCSE – Co-education / Age range: 13-18

Other partners:
École d’Humanité:
Senior – Co-education – Specific Learning Difficulty Support / Age range: 12-20
Jersey College for Girls:
Senior – A level – IGCSE – Girls only / Age range: 12-18
Lancing College:
Senior – A level – IGCSE – Co-education / Age range: 13-18
Millfield and Millfield Prep School:
Nursery – Pre-prep – Preparatory – Senior – A level – Co-education – Specific Learning Difficulty Support / Age range: 2-18