The health authorities of the Principality have been informed that another person treated at the Princess Grace Hospital Center is positive for COVID 19. Pending the result of testing a sample, the patient had been placed in solitary confinement in the unit dedicated by the establishment for this purpose. Research is underway in order to find out the movements made by this resident over the past few days and identify the people with whom he would have been in contact. The Princely Government confirms the need to observe the precautionary measures announced in recent days.
Coronavirus cases in Monaco and Cotes d’Azur
There has not been an avalanche of cases in the Alpes-Maritimes. 32 have tested positive since February 28 – that is out of 40 to 50 tests that are carried out every day. Outpatient care is now preferred to hospitalization except for those who already have a fragile state of health.
The average age of patients is around 50/60 years and the health authorities report with the exception of the 69-year-old Italian national hospitalized in intensive care, the state of health of the patients does not raise any concern; also reassuringly the authorities know where they were infected.
Monaco, where there are between two and five tests a day, is limited to just a second positive case. Research is underway to identify the people with whom the man would have been in contact. The initial case which was a young British resident of 27 years is reported as getting better; he was able to return to his home.

Economic Life in Monaco
Conventions, major events and tourism everywhere in the world are impacted as both caution and restrictions constrain travel and group get-togethers. Italy is in almost complete lockdown, with draconian measures, including cessation of most business activity. President Macron of France has just announced the closure of all schools and universities.
Monaco’s economy and business sector is not in lockdown. However, Monaco is not insulated from the slowdown. There are cancellations and postponements of events including the prestigious Bal de la Rose. The calendar of activities in the Principality is impacted in the coming weeks; Jean Castellini, Minister of Finance confirms “We are currently meeting requests to delay a certain number of events in the second half of the year”.

There is relief aimed to support Monaco’s business via the assistance committee for companies in difficulty (COMED). Its role will be to examine the situation of companies exposed to serious problems related to Covid-19. Measures which provide relief including temporary total unemployment or reduction of working time can be triggered where appropriate. According to Didier Gamerdinger it allows the employee to receive 70% of his income while staying at home and the employer to receive 7.40 euros per hour worked for compensation”.
Also in the arsenal of measures to protect enterprises “zero interest” loans are reported to be in consideration – and a tool already in operation is postponement of social charges.
A dedicated unit is set up within the Welcome office to serve as an first advisory help-line to companies who can call 98 98 98 99 or email:
For more information see the site being rapidly set-up on the Internet:
Tele-Commuting and Tele-HealthAid
To avoid people congregating in close contact Tele-Commuting by workers and Tele-HealthAid by medical professionals is being encouraged with some relaxation of prior restrictions on these activities and opportunities for extra flexibility are being analyzed and prioritized by authorities.

France and Italy Border Crossing
Even though Italy generally is in lock-down, travel across the border for professional activities between Italy and France continues both ways with valid documents and permits.
For Italians working in Monaco: “There is no reason for restriction. No case has been found in Ventimiglia, the closest are in Genoa and Savona. If overnight, these 4,200 employees no longer come to work in the Principality, it will be a brake on our economic activities”, Serge Telle is reported to confirm.
Similarly French workers with valid documents and permits may cross into Italy. The Italian authorities accept the entry on their territory of French nationals who move for professional or health reasons. For these large number of border workers who leave to work in Italy: a form can be downloaded from the website of the Italian Ministry of the Interior which allows everyone to self-certify (

Cruise Ships
The Principality is prohibiting any cruise stopovers in its port or territorial waters until April 30th. “The cruise tourism season was set to resume on March 23 and no fewer than 25 ships totaling between 15 and 20,000 passengers were scheduled by the end of April…… Monaco would be unable to take care of a large number of infected people on board a cruise ship,” explained the Minister of State, Serge Telle.
Symptoms or Questions
In Monaco for any question on the coronavirus , it is recommended to contact Doctor Eric VOIGLIO of the Health Action Department at 98 98 48 50 or at 06 78 63 85 68 or by email:
In case of symptoms (high fevers and respiratory signs such as cough or shortness of breath), contact the fire department directly on 18 or 112.
Do not go to your doctor or to the emergency room, to avoid any potential contamination.
You can also contact the Department for Sanitary Affairs at +377 98 98 84 20 if you have a question or require information.

In order to allow the emergency services and the CHPG to focus on their primary missions, for any question on the coronavirus, Monegasques, residents and employees can ask all the questions they want in connection with COVID19 by dialing the number: 92 05 55 00. This number is accessible 7 days a week from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. It is also possible to send an email to the following address: