Formula 1 Grand Prix Winner Charles LeClerc Races to the Support of the Monaco Red Cross
Monaco Formula 1 driver Charles Leclerc has raced into action participating in deliveries alongside teams from the Monaco Red Cross. He had already been involved with the Ferrari team to support the action of the Italian Red Cross last March. Continuing in this vein, it was with the volunteers from the Monegasque Red Cross that he decided to help by testing his skills behind the wheel of the association’s van. The satisfaction this time was in helping rather than the usual thrill and feedback from the lightening speed driving a Formula 1 Ferrari.
The young pilot participated in the deliveries of equipment for the Princess Grace Hospital Center in Monaco. He also delivered and collected equipment at the Monaco City Hall. Nice surprise for the volunteers and the employees of the Monegasque Red Cross who had the pleasure of seeing Charles Leclerc arrive at the association headquarters together with treats offered by operators of the fairground.
His humility, his interest in the Red Cross’ actions and his support in the fight during this crisis provided great support for all the volunteers involved. The Monegasque Red Cross reciprocated with sincere thanks to all the volunteers and all the donors for their actions and their commitment. Each time they receive a contribution the Monaco Red Cross is able to continue to carry out essential action in the fight against the pandemic.
You can contribute to their actions by making a donation to the Monegasque Red Cross via its website:, or by check payable to the Monegasque Red Cross, bank transfer, or cash.
Those interested in more news on the Monaco Red Cross can follow them on Facebook, on the Monaco Red Cross twitter and Instagram (@croixrougemc) as well as on their Youtube page.