Good Food for Children: Monaco Goût et Saveurs Association Celebrates 20 Years
Twenty years ago, Jean Mary Rizza and Joël Garault started an initiative to introduce children to the flavours and simple pleasures of a dining experience. This year, the Monaco Goût et Saveurs Association celebrates its twentieth anniversary and has chosen to send their chefs directly to the classrooms for the first time.
33 Chefs accompanied by students from the hotel school of Monaco met over 300 students to help them discover this year’s theme: Apple and Spelt. The children were fascinated and had many questions for the chefs. Joël Garault was very proud that the Chefs were able to address the children’s questions and transition into a classroom setting. Preparing meals is nothing new to the chefs, but doing so in front of thirty watchful students can be intimidating. Thankfully, all the chefs loved the experience and it was extremely fruitful.
The chefs decided to awaken the students’ taste buds with simple dishes, like a spelt risotto garnished with apples. Chef Frederic Ramos was very surprised when the children tasted the risotto and loved it. Many of the kids had never tasted spelt before and all of them thought it was delicious. The Chef was impressed by their willingness to try something new and surprised at how they appreciated the dish.
Another new event this year is a crepes contest. One representative per school will compete in the kitchen in front of a jury of professionals who will determine the best crepe recipe. The six finalists will go to the Monte Carlo Gastronomy Salon to create a demonstration in front of the public with a Monaco Goût et Saveurs Chef.
On the 6th of June 2018 at 6pm, the Monaco Goût et Saveurs Association will blow out their twenty candles on the Place du Palais, surrounded by children and everyone who has helped them succeed. Joël Garault is happy and proud of the Association’s twenty years of creating a spirit of union and reunion.