«You must be the change you wish to see in the World», used to say Mahatma Gandhi. Nothing could be more modern than this, with special regard to the global great eco-revolution to keep our Planet livable. The Monegasque Government has been playing an active role in achieving this target as witnessed by the Livre Blanc de la Transition Énergétique (White Paper on Energy Transition). This document, published in 2017, commits the Principality of Monaco to fulfil a detailed long-term action plan aimed at reducing the greenhouse-gases emissions by 50% by 2030 (compared to 1990 levels) to make the Monegasque territory carbon-dioxide neutral by 2050.

What has been done and what needs to be done? All the stakeholders gathered at the Yacht Club of Monaco, on the 4th April 2018, to go straight to the heart of the matter. Every single citizen, visitor, institution or company is involved in this urban environmentally-friendly structural change which consists of three main axes: «green» mobility, recycling-oriented waste management and sustainable energy consumptions. A serious commitment which is translated into action through the Pacte National pour la Transition Energétique (the National Pact for the Energy Transition) which has already been signed by more than 350 members and it is ready for new accessions, joining #jemengagePNTE.

«We are on schedule! We need, now, a stronger cooperation between social parties to decarbonize the Principality: the most effective way to make a dream come true for a better future», reminded Marie-Pierre Gramaglia, Counsellor of the Ministry of Equipment, Environment, and Urban Planning.

«Thanks to the Government eco-engagement we will be able to implement the energy performance of all buildings by 2022 and increase the photovoltaic energy production, one of the cleanest power source at our disposal», confirmed Jean-Luc Nguyen, Director of the Energy Transition Mission.
There is strength in changing towards a more sustainable lifestyle. Some special guests shared their experiences. Technology and human beings can serve efficient eco-innovation and prevent energy losses.

«Increasing eco-awareness through educational workshops and best practices related to the food and beverage sector is an everyday occurrence in my life», affirmed Kate Powers, founder of the Environmental Association Monacology and top manager of the iconic Stars’n’Bars.
«The ‘green revolution’ comes through a free carbon-dioxide plan boosting electric vehicles, pedestrian zones, renewable sources of energy, high-standard building insulations and energy saving lighting systems», declared Anthony De Sevelinges, Director of the Service de Maintenance des Bâtiments Publics (Service of the Public Building Management).

«Thinking green is the result of a balanced equilibrium among ecology, common sense, education and international cooperation», pointed out Jessica Sbaraglia, owner of Terre de Monaco, leader company in urban gardening.

Promoting an eco-friendly office management allows to improve employee’s relations and significantly reduce energy costs, whatever business is conducted, as reaffirmed by Patrick Gherara, BNP Paribas Wealth Management Director, and Achour Daïra, Technical Director at the Monte-Carlo Bay Hotel & Resort, leading partner of the intelligent energy Smart+ Project by SMEG (Société Monégasque de l’Électricité et du Gaz).

«Corporate eco-management is also a very good investment from a communication point of view», highlighted Hervé Zorgniotti, Director of Communication at the Grimaldi Forum.

«Responsibility, partnership, problem solving and unwavering conviction are the driving forces to raise eco-awareness and to mobilize public opinion for fighting against Climate Change», concluded H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco, by quoting Ban Ki Moon, former UN Secretary-General: «there is no Plan B for action as there is no Planet B’».