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LUXPRO Monaco, June 2019: the cheerful way to do business and exchange best ideas

“Succeeding in business is all about making connections”, underlined the British entrepreneur Richard Branson. And if you are doing it in a welcoming exclusive environment open to smart minds from high-stand business sectors is even more effective. Since its establishment, LUXPRO has been offering worldwide outstanding opportunities to share case studies on major business, wealth and luxury issues through interactive panels led by qualified experts boosting best practices and innovation.

LUXPRO Monaco, June 2019 cheers business and best ideas
LUXPRO, 5th edition = speakers and partners including: H.E. Laurent Anselmi; Gulshat Uzenbaeva, founder and CEO at LUXPRO; Olga Taran, editor in chief at HelloMonaco; Matthew Gareth Shaw; Gorian Viretto-Cit; Xolali Zigah; Ty Murphy; Eric Brundage and Rebwar Ismail (Café de Paris, 6th June 2019).© Philip Andrukhovich

The 5th edition of LUXPRO Business Event held at the Café de Paris, on Thursday the 6th June 2019 confirmed this winning trend gathering a high net worth community of distinguished guests. Among them H.E. Laurent Anselmi, Head of the Department of Justice of the Principality of Monaco, who introduced a legal historical background of the Monegasque territory, grounded on the highest civil law democratic values. A very interesting topic both for local and foreign attenders.

Rebwar Ismail

But where does LUXPRO success come from? HelloMonaco, media partner, asked Gulshat Uzenbaeva (G.U.), founder and CEO of LUXPRO Business Events Company.

Gulshat Uzenbaeva, founder and CEO at LUXPRO

HelloMonaco: Ms Gulshat, can you explain the added value of this new edition of LUXPRO?

G.U.: Setting our LUXPRO events in different key locations like Zurich, London, St Petersburg, Moscow and Monaco, we always notice differences according to the local environment and from one time to another. For our second time here in Monaco, we decided to focus on Luxury Goods and Services with special regard to Wealth & Property Management. Among the others, TENco, a luxury concierge company founded in Switzerland by Tural Mammadov, shared the insides of its exclusive networking. Uccello Blu by professor Eric Oquinarena, a clinic based in Italy, presented ‘The quantum side of Stress and Business’, while professor Elena Baranova shared some fascinating tricks about anti-aging. Rebwar Ismail, a speaker from Sweden, presented Black River, an innovative company aimed at exploring, understanding and developing the underwater world thanks to a set of fish-shape human-friendly hi-tech solutions able to reach sea depths in total safety. One Eagle, a Monegasque company, introduced its glamorous and unforgettable golf experience. Eric Brundage shared current trends in wealth planning and structuring. Ty Murphy debated about due diligence in fine art transactions and Gorian Viretto-Cit gave specific details about Monegasque SCP (Société Civile Particulière: non-trading company) as relevant Legal Tools for Financial assets. Matthew Gareth Shaw from FormalTrade Group, acting as moderator and speaker, talked about how the coming Vegan takeover is being rivaling block-chain. Paris-based Yann Oliver© and Cash Angel by Xolali Zigah companies kept the attention on the opportunities of their real estate and cryptocurrencies investment. Last but not least, Diego Bonaventura, Director of Monaco Chamber of Commerce, faithful sponsor of LUXPRO, outlined the unique economic Monegasque model. Therefore, LUXPRO event was intriguing and I am already working on new events in iconic settings like Beijing, Dubai and Geneva. 


Guests at LUXPRO Monaco

Let us dive then into a virtual journey through some relevant feedbacks collected by HelloMonaco during this private event.

Gorian Viretto-Cit (G.V.-C.), from Spark & Partners, gave us a personal input about current financial situation in Monaco.

Gorian Viretto-Cit

HelloMonaco: Mr Viretto-Cit, Monegasque community is definitely multiethnic and many different economic and legal systems coexist, how do you see future developments?  

G.V.-C.: From a legal and fiscal point of view, the Principality has considerable advantages able to bring together people from almost any part of the world including Middle East, Russia, Latin America and United States. It keeps on representing an attractive spot having developed a flexible juridical structure to satisfy the needs of foreigners. That makes it easier to establish corporate and foundation head offices in its territory encouraging professionals to gather within its borders.

H.E. Laurent Anselmi
Matthew Gareth Shaw

Yann-Olivier Bricombert, real estate investor, international entrepreneur and award-winning journalist, depicted his customer-care-helping professional approach to push high-standard people and their families to gain relevant returns from investing in short-term rentals real estate.

Yann-Olivier Bricombert

HelloMonaco: Mr. Bricombert, how important is to satisfy clients’ need?

Y.O.-B.: In my opinion, luxury is not about fancy things but serving those tools that can guarantee a deep consideration for customers setting a very good connection with them. We do value each customer and his time starting from a personal consideration that life flies so fast.

Yann-Olivier Bricombert and guests

HelloMonaco: What about the feedbacks you receive from your clients?

Y.O.-B.: We can count on very satisfying ratings. Our clients usually inform us that we are improving their life not only from a financial point of view but also on their personal front. Despite being small investors they know how to do. What makes the difference with us is that we would like them not to waste their time and to enjoy themselves with their families and personal interests more frequently than ever. Not by chance, we are used calling our clients by first name.

Monaco Economic Board – Diego Bonaventura – Director of Monaco Chamber of Commerce

Professor and doctor Elena Baranova (E.B.), advanced expert in Genomics and Anti-aging, already collaborating with HelloMonaco international luxury magazine, gave us an inspiring input about wellbeing as a crucial driver for life.

Professor and doctor Elena Baranova

HelloMonaco: Professor Baranova, how do you feel after attending this event?

E.B.: I think that LUXPRO is a perfect place where to share our experience with people with different backgrounds and sometimes you discover a surprising synergetic outcome within various aspects of knowledge. Nowadays, we are living in a multifunctional dimension and so we are required to interact. LUXPRO makes it happen with full support of Monegasque institutions.


HelloMonaco: What is inspiring your personal effort in healthcare?

E.B.: I have been dealing with medicine since my childhood when I suffered from many diseases including severe allergies. For me talking about healthcare is a matter of surviving. Thus, my main mission has always been preventing more than curing. As genetics and genomics confirm, we are all different. Consequently, we can’t follow only one valuable approach for everybody. Treatments must be personalized in order to help human potential considering that we are using only 5% of our brain capacity.

LUXPRO Monaco, June 2019 cheers business and best ideas
HelloMonaco international luxury magazine, media partner, at LUXPRO, 5th edition (Café de Paris, 6th June 2019).
Christian Moore – President of Ambassadors Club

Matthew Gareth Shaw (M.G.-S.), working for FormalTrade, a renowned wealth management specialists focused on new trends on world market, told us about his personal approach in between lifestyle and financing.

Guests at LUXPRO Monaco

HelloMonaco: Mr Gareth Shaw, your professional expertise combines wealth management and financing, what inspired you to make that choice? 

M.G.-S.: I have always been investing since I was 15 years old, mostly in Tech shares at the time (1998/99), building up a portfolio by the time I left college.  Since then, I have been going on managing funds for family offices and trading a regulated structured fund, in the City of London.  It was never a choice, more of a constant lifestyle that I simply never quitted. Investing in the markets, start-ups, commodities and foreign exchange never bores me.

Guests at LUXPRO Monaco


HelloMonaco: Vegan style food can have a positive influence on your life and on your business, why do you consider it as a win-win approach? 

M.G.-S.: It had the best influence on my life that I can ever profess.  I suffered with a chronic illness growing up (ulcerative colitis) and when I was involved in Sports (Soccer, 400m running) I would get days where I could not compete, train or even get out of bed.  Since turning vegan, my body has alkalised and I have spent 6 months through 2011-2014 with shamans and the top healers in the world to find out just what you need in a constant state of optimum health.  I have developed a 18-bullet point rule to live without diseases which I applied to my father who is suffering from Type II diabetes.  He’s now 77 and we are going on our first Mount Snowdon trekking in North Wales in September.


HelloMonaco: How did you feel attending LUXPRO Monaco? Was it important to share your experience with a selected audience?

M.G.-S.: LUXPRO has enabled me to advance the network and meet like-minded people who want to thrive in this ever-demanding world. Recently, wealthy are becoming choosier with how they spend their money. We are all now being targeted given that the whole world economy is tightening fast. I think future sessions will be focused more on wealth preservation to achieve the OPTIMUM health as the biggest factor.  This is what I am concentrating for 2020, in concert with FormalTrade and its new algorithmic trade structure.

LUXPRO, 5th edition = speakers and partners including: H.E. Laurent Anselmi; Gulshat Uzenbaeva, founder and CEO at LUXPRO; Olga Taran, editor in chief at HelloMonaco; Matthew Gareth Shaw; Gorian Viretto-Cit; Xolali Zigah; Ty Murphy; Eric Brundage and Rebwar Ismail (Café de Paris, 6th June 2019).© Philip Andrukhovich
Guests at LUXPRO Monaco

Photos @ LUXPRO / © Philip Andrukhovich

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