Monaco Pays Special Tribute to Women on International Women’s Day
To celebrate International Women’s Day, H.E. Serge Telle, Minister of State paid tribute to the female staff of the Police Department and Department of Justice by inviting them to a reception held, Wednesday 8 March, in his residence.
In his speech, H.E. Serge Telle stated that the Sovereign Prince recognizes, and often reaffirms, that the level of advancement of a society can always be measured by the place it accords to women and that progress and peace are most often achieved thanks to women. And H.E. added that this will of the Sovereign Prince is part of the Principality’s long tradition of fairness and openness.
International Women’s Day, established by the United Nations in 1975, has the aim of promoting women’s rights and their social recognition.
H.E., Minister of State Serge Telle, represented by the Minister of Social Affairs and Health Didier Gamerdinger, chose to honour this year female administrative staff with 20 years of seniority, as well as new recruits from 2017. This is a new approach of the administration which on International Women’s day provided staff an opportunity to benefit from each other’s professional experiences, in a moment of conviviality.This was the essence of the speech that the Councillor-Minister gave, reaffirming the eminent position of the woman in modern society as well as in the Principality.
The Minister also highlighted that the initial momentum provided by International Women’s Day has gradually turned into an unprecedented global movement for women’s rights, equality and justice: Monaco, associates strongly with this special Day because it is a question of dignity and, beyond that, of humanity. It also allows Monaco to reaffirm the prominent position of women in society.
He also wanted to remind his guests of their leading role in the Public Service, adding in essence that they are a major component of the Administration, in every sense of the word. He gave special recognition to those who had already gained high responsibilities, and encouraged those who have just joined the administration, mentioning that they can legitimately aspire to high responsibilities too.
The Minister continued remarking in essence that women must be able to assume all the functions, at the highest level, without distinction, in Monaco’s beautiful administration.
It is simply the application of the principle of non-discrimination that must be applied without any reservations. He added that the Government is mobilizing more widely for the rights of women and for the respect due to them.
He recalled in particular the tabling of a bill recently passed by the National Council against all forms of harassment at work.The Directorate of Human Resources and Public Service Training, he noted, is finalizing the formalization of the procedure that will soon be in force in the administration to denounce and repress harassment.
In addition, the Minister stressed that the Department of Social Affairs and Health, in connection with many Monegasque associations, develops an annual communication campaign against violence against women. It is essential to relentlessly, fight against these phenomena of abuse and violence. It is necessary to support the victims, to help them speak-up and to defend them.
And on one last subject he added that the principle of gender equality and qualification for entitlements to social benefits is important and so it would be legitimate for women civil servants and State officials residing in Monaco to be considered, if they so wish, as heads of households for family allowances and health insurance for their children. He has been working for several months now, in connection with all the entities concerned (Caisses Sociales de Monaco, State Medical Services Department and Directorate of Legal Affairs).
The review is now almost complete, and the Minister has made proposals to the Government. He believes that he will be able shortly to provide positive information on this important subject of the opening of social rights for women civil servants and public officials domiciled in the Principality.
This would be another step towards the unqualified equality of women and men. He mentioned that there is still some way to go and stressed the need to be attentive – ending with a beautiful quote by Leo Tolstoy “Women, it is you who hold in your hands the salvation of the world”.