The Prince Albert II Foundation‘s Mister Good Fish Program focuses on regulating the use of seafood depending on the season in order to prevent overfishing, which drastically reduces the numbers of certain fish species, and to protect the marine environment. The Monaco Yacht Club and its chef Christian Plumail are the most recent members of the Mr. Goodfish program.

The Yacht club is the 11th establishment in Monaco to adhere to the program. HE Bernard Fautrier, Vice- President of the Prince Albert II Foundation, believes that there are big problems currently in fishing and the dramatic decrease of certain types of fish. The idea of Mr. Goodfish is not to restrain the use of seafood products, but to make their use more appropriate and functional in a situation which varies from one season to another. Because The Yacht Club is an emblematic establishment, it can directly influence privileged consumers who are in direct contact with the ocean, a big step forward for Mr. Goodfish and the marine environment.

Christian Plumail, Chef of the Yacht Club’s restaurant, believes that joining Mr. Goodfish will help make the culinary teams at the Yacht Club have more respect for seafood products. He has confidence in the teams and believes that it was very important for the Yacht Club to join Mr. Goodfish.

By following the Mr. Goodfish guidelines, anyone can still enjoy seasonal fish and seafood sustainably and responsibly. Mr.Goodfish offers a positive approach by recommending seafood which is available in abundance through a list of products that takes into account the season, the size of fish and the current available stocks. This list of recommended species is established for each season by an expert committee of fishers and representatives, a marine resource scientist, a trade and distribution representative and a scientist from the World Ocean Network.
The more establishments that join Mr. Goodfish, the more hope there is for the future of certain fish species.