We are definitely living in a high-tech era where everything seems possible, both in a real and virtual world, through Media and Social Media. But are we allowed to keep the real human values? Aren’t we subjected to the big risk of losing the true understanding of life? On these premises, the producer and actor Manuel Collas de la Roche founded, three years ago, the sustainable movement Monaco Better World Forum (MBWF) aimed at re-humanising the World by inspiring an inner reflection on social and environmental key issues into the public, through one of the most effective tool Man has ever created: Cinema. Film industry, in fact, can really push a social change as already testified by the Cinéma Vérité Festival directed in Geneva (Switzerland) by Collas de la Roche with the support of well-known actors and world leaders such as Sharon Stone, Susan Sarandon, Jane Fonda, the Queen Noor of Jordan and the Nobel Peace Prize Wangari Maathai.

HelloMonaco is promoting the launch of the 2018 international film festival edition, called “Cinematic Art at the Service of Humanity”, which will take place at the Yacht Club de Monaco on the 21st and 22nd September, under the High Patronage of H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco Who will give the prestigious MBWF awards to significant categories designated by a technical jury made of renowned members such as the actress Mira Sorvino, the actors Abel Jafri and Gosha Kutsenko and the producer Gary Goldstein.

«Although the selection of movies is still in progress, I am proud of announcing that the main focus will be on: women’s rights, disabilities, biodiversity, environment, childhood and education», pointed out the MBWF president and founder Collas de la Roche, by adding: «for each section a filmmaker will be rewarded during the academy ceremony on the 22nd September when also some prominent figures like Bertrand Piccard (promoter of the Solar Impulse world exploration project), Doctor Denis Mukwege (Specialist in Gynecology), Father Pedro Opeka (Missionary), Mickaël Borot (Taekwondo athlete) and Ryadh Sallem (Para-Olympic swimming, basket and rugby champion) will be honoured of special prizes for promoting peace».

«My target is supporting young film makers taking part to this festival with the goal to broad the awareness of the Academy Awards, I am working for, across the world, including places which hadn’t had access to Hollywood’s support before. So, I found some amazing productions which deserve to be known; I am filled with great expectations for the topics covered by this festival which I think they are a good combination to convey a vital message», stressed Lawrence David Foldes (part of the jury), director and producer, member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences and executive commissioner of the Student Academy Award, based in Los Angeles (California, U.S.A.).

MBWF will cover also the human well-being. «We will take the advantage of this stimulating festival to present some innovation with regard to cosmetics, launching a revolutionary molecule that will be remembered and used on a humanitarian level, too», said Stéphane Samuel Bochenek representing the luxury cosmetic brand Emperius®, major sponsor of the event.

The dinner Gala, that will take place in September 2018, is going to be a special occasion where to enjoy high-level film production and raise funds in favour of four main solidarity projects thanks to the support of all participants. The collected aids will go directly to the Madagascar Akamasoa Association, NGO- UN – the Program of the Peace Makers and Peace Academy, the Panzi Hospital in the Democratic Republic of Congo and to the French Cap Sport Art Adventure Friendship Association (CAPSAA). The fund distribution will be managed by the UN Soldiers of Peace International Association (SPIA), involved in peace-keeping worldwide.

This is the first time in history of 7th Art that awards are created from a metal that fights the spread of firearms around the world. A Better World and a return to global Peace are only possible without the use of weapons. A movement like “March for our lives” should be a model of social mobilization.» said Karolina Bomba (MBWF’s managing director), who initiated the partnership with Humanium Metal by IM, Swedish Development Partner.
«The MBWF awards against arm propagation are made of recycled metal alloys from illegal weapons (Humanium Metal by IM, Swedish Development Partner), something unique which perfectly represents blue helmets’ main efforts in conflict resolutions and humanitarian programmes», noted Laurent Attar-Bayrou, international president of SPIA.
«Nothing is impossible if you really want to move on a better society, providing that we have the support of many», concluded the special guest Alexandre Bodart Pinto, founder of the association Wheeling Around the World with the view to help the tourism industry improving service quality in aid of people with physical disabilities.