Did you know that Monaco actually manages to do that within its urban confines showing how sustainability and integration in an urban environment can be managed. If you visit the ten story Triton building in Fontvieille it would likely come as a surprise that what appears to be an attractive commercial building also houses an advanced industrial plant.
This was all made possible by the creative removal of the two parking levels of the Triton building followed by the installation of advanced and innovative treatment technology. Safety was a priority in choosing and installing the Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor where a biological treatment makes it possible to meet the most demanding discharge standards.
Cleaning the water does generate volumes of additional stale air which also need treating; this is achieved with the additional implementation of an activated carbon deodorization system.
Due for completion in September this year this modern facility is already 80% complete. And the purification performance is progressively improving to the extent that future targets have already been achieved in a majority of cases.

The Monaco plant not only treats the Principality’s wastewater, but assists cleaning some water originating from neighbouring communities including Beausoleil and part of the Cap-d’Ail and La Turbie.
All in all the modernization including the compact and efficient advanced technology will increase processing capacity by 30% and includes upgrades to cope with increases in flows and pollutants in the future.
It’s an important priority project with dedicated funding of 32 million euros – half injected by SMEAUX and half provided by the Government. Its successful progress attracted a visit from Minister of State Serge Tell and Minister for Equipment, the Environment and Urbanism, Marie-Pierre Gramaglia in addition of course to top executive representation from SMEAUX.