Every year, hundreds of Monegasques brave the frigid waters (well, frigid for Monaco) in the name of charity. This year’s Bain de Noël or ‘Christmas Plunge’ will take place on Saturday 16 December at 10 am on the Larvotto beach. Participants contribute 10 euros, put on their swimwear and dive in. The price includes not only the admission to participate in the Bain de Noël, but also lottery ticket, coffee and croissants.
This year’s proceeds will go to AEPFSP: an organization helping children of officers in Monaco’s Police Force who are now orphans or suffering from a disability.
The Amis du Bain de Noël de Monaco Association in partnership with AMADE Monaco have been organizing a Christmas plunge and raffle for the benefit of a different charity every year since 2004. Also this year STARS’N’BARS will join the event. Kate Powers and Didier Rubiolo, co-organizers of the event this time, will invite everybody to taste their hot chocolate for free.

The forecast for Saturday is sunny and 9°, which is cold for those used to swimming during Monaco’s hot summers. But thoughts of helping others should keep everyone warm.
Where? 13th annual Bain de Noël, followed by a raffle: Saturday 16 December at 10 am, Larvotto beach.
Facebook: https://fr-fr.facebook.com/events/191614918075096/