The Firefighters Calendar: A Chance to Give Back to The Brave
You’ll see them popping up in Roquebrune and Beausoleil near Monaco. The firefighters are delivering their popular calendar which has a Classic look this year. They are a beloved group in our communities these brave souls who risk their lives for us and it is a chance to get to know them face to face as the generous-hearted people they are. Their main local distribution is also taking place in Menton.
The calendar is not “sold” in the usual meaning of the word; indeed it is given free to those who can’t afford it. You just give what you feel comfortable with when offered the calendar by the Firemen. It’s for a good cause.
A lot of people take advantage of the firefighters coming to talk about their problems or to ask questions. That it’s during the festive period adds a touch of joyfulness to the gatherings.
From a practical point of view, the distribution is always done in pairs. Well over 50 tours are estimated to have to be made by the intrepid duos.
Money raised by the calendar is an essential resource for the firefighters’ social works. Particularly to cope with the difficulties encountered by families in the event of sudden death or illness. Covid-19 is an sadly an extra mortal threat, still continuing this year.
Donations are made to the “Amicale des pompiers” which helps various social works throughout the year. But also to improve the daily lives of firefighters, whose limited budgets sometimes struggle to offer them even the most minimum of comforts.
Each year, these donations are therefore essential because they constitute their only source of income. In addition to the calendar, the Amicale organizes events throughout the year to collect precious funds
The spirit of the distribution is well-known. It is a tradition. The precious theme is always:
“We don’t sell. We distribute. We are not salespeople: we get money from people who want to give. Everything depends on the goodwill of each one.”