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What’s Happening That’s So Very Grand at the Fairmont on Avenue des Spelugues

The Fairmont is making a major move to distinguish itself as a prime mover in providing hospitality in the Principality. Remember the Sun Casino, such an active spot prior to the Covid pandemic. The Fairmont has taken it over but not as part of SBM’s Casino operations. Instead they are doing something fascinating with it. So if you noticed a lot of work going on between May and this month, you would have rightly guessed something special is afoot. 

It is the creation of a Grand Salon which according to reports leaves the Fairmont Hotel with the largest lounge space in the region. 

How large? Large enough to launch a cocktail for 1500 guests, host congresses and be a centre for grand marriages. And certainly worthy of the title “Grand” with a 6 metre high ceiling with original decorative mirrors. Beige colours tastefully abound. 

That’s not all. The inauguration of the Grand Salon was also an occasion to get on top of the overall strategy that includes the launch of a new brand: Grand Events. 

“Grand Events” 

Events means grand catering worthy of what is being billed as the largest Salon in the Principality. Charlotte Bohler, director of Grand Events Fairmont Monte-Carlo has the opportunity to shine here and cultivate more and more events while restyling the image of the Fairmont.

Almost 600 rooms Being renovated

There is an extensive renovation program going on as part of the overall strategy. 

Everything on the first floor of the establishment, facing the sea, was given priority to be the first spaces to be improved, including restaurants. 

Spaces overlooking the Formula 1 circuit are slated to be revealed with anew look, virtually immediately. 

The “Grand Renovation “ of the rooms is reported to being done with two deadlines in mind:

  • about 300 renovated rooms ready by April 2023,
  • and the whole project with rooms modernized and redecorated by April 2024

As for Casino lovers Société des Bains de Mer is reported to be refocussing the gaming activity between the Casino de Monte-Carlo and the Café de Paris.  Hospitality or Casinos, the Principality is always full of surprises and perpetually on the move.

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