Did you know that a violinist can become a Jet-Ski Champion – especially if you live in Monaco because Monaco’s Pass’sport program encourages juniors to excel in sport? Lisa Caussin-Battaglia is a passionate amateur violinist that has reached the pinnacle in Jet-Ski racing. One of the reasons is the Roca Jet Club which makes the sport accessible to everyone. They have a jet-ski driving school that allows free initiation for those young people that qualify under the unique Monaco Pass’port program.
Lisa’s major successes date back to 2015 when she won the title “regional GP2 ladies jet-ski champion”. She followed that at the World Cup with the runner up crown for amateur women.

And most recently she finished European vice-champion in Belgium putting Monaco in its familiar place in sports – on the podium.
With her coach Michel Torre backing her up the Rocher rider’s decision to enter the European Trials Worlds Series in Belgium, racing against men too, was also a winning decision. Hard work and perseverance paid off with a second placement in the mixed and just at the foot of the podium in 4th place against women. The European Championships being over there remains the world championship and the world series.

Currently Placed 9th in the World Championship
Portugal started it all off. There were two races , one in the north followed by another in the south. Then, after criss-crossing well over 100.000 kilometers through races in twelve European countries, Lisa Caussin-Battaglia is currently standing 9th at the world championships. The last three events will take place outside Europe.
Lisa has been training hard on the Monegasque coast . There is intense physical, mental and technical preparation all under the wings of the Monaco Sport Academy and under the direction of Michel Torre.

Monaco’s ace female jet-skier will leave in October for China and then travel to the United States, India, Thailand and the United Arab Emirates.
A career as a professional violinist, one that she passionately glimpsed at age 4 when she started playing – well that is just not on the cards right now.Imagine crashing on your Jet-Ski and then having to play a concert with a sprained wrist at the Prince’s Palace! Best to concentrate on being a Monaco world class champion. Good Luck to Lisa!