
In A Marathon Swim To Monaco Remi Camus Champions Clean Seas

Thousands of kilometres from Dunkirk to Bandol and ultimately arriving in Monaco on September 16th. Nearly eighty stages completed already by Remi Camus, an indefatigable champion in the fight against marine pollution. Almost as regular as a clock Remi swims stretches like this of over twenty kilometres each day. Quite an accomplishment for someone who only learned to swim about five years ago.

Thanks to Remi Camus we have additional compelling evidence of how we are literally trashing our oceans. Did you know that there is a high probability Remi would have to navigate past car tires while he is swimming? They are just one of many items that miscreants discard in the sea. Never mind the kilograms upon kilograms of plastic that are ejected every day into the ocean. Try to imagine how many kilograms of plastic are thrown into the sea each second. It is frightening.

Remi Camus not only maintains his strength to do a marathon swim each day, he manages by example to sound the alarm to help save the planet for future generations. Eight to ten hours each day swimming – an eloquent witness to rubbish dumped in the sea. Amazing tenacity; amazing passion with the determination to make a difference. And in the words of the saying “there is a method to his madness”. As an international beacon and centre of marine protection, Monaco is a strategic post for the climax to his swimming marathon. Monaco serves as the culmination of the publicity campaign of well over 2000 kilometres divided into stages to raise awareness.

Remi already has the Mayors of the communities, in whose beaches he landed, galvanised to act. With his mission squarely in the front of their minds – next step their schools. In the order of 100 or so beaches conquered – his next goal includes conquering as many of their 100 or so schools he can manage in yet another tour. Up to 100 schools with up to hundreds of students in a school. We don’t have to be brilliant at math to see the potential – thousands of new young ambassadors freshly recruited and the wave becomes an unstoppable tidal wave in support of protecting our planet.

Applause and congratulations to Remi Camus in his fight against pollution in our Oceans.

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