A Noisy Alcoholic Joyride Gets No Sympathy From The Judge
If you have multiple times the legal limit of alcohol in your blood it is asking for trouble to virtually break the sound barrier in your exotic sports car as you veer in the direction of police in Monaco between three and four in the morning. The sound disturbed the police as well as the whole surrounding neighbourhood by the port. The policemen immediately discovered the effect that multiple glasses of wine and vodka had had on the driver – an Italian store-owner in Monaco. Which meant of course he was hauled before a judge who also was not amused by his attempts to cast a fog on the income from his business when asked a direct question. Prevaricating before the Court possible led to the fine imposed being 4000 euros instead of less than half that amount requested by the prosecution. Included in the sentencing was a 700 euro fine for the noisy disturbance. That was not all – he had his license revoked for six months. Better to have been a little quieter, and safer and taken a taxi home.

In Danger Even On A Pedestrian Crossing – 90 Years Old And Run Over
At 90 years old walking across a pedestrian crossing in Monaco, the lady deserved to be safe. Not so, unfortunately she was struck by a motorcyclist who claimed not to see her and that she may have appeared, out of the blue, running. Evidence to the contrary showed the lady in the middle of the crossing when hit – and at 90 years old it was doubtful she was running quickly across. At least six months of recuperation was needed, during 90 days of which she was seriously incapacitated. Pain, loss of memory, just an unfortunate and serious mishap at that time of life. The only real issue was the amount of the fine or if a suspended prison sentence was warranted. The prosecution asked for a heavy fine and compensation of 33.000 euros but without sufficient expert analysis to back it up. The Court opted for a 1000 euro fine and recommended that 18.000 euros (considered more reasonable) of the 33.000 euros claimed be subject to a later civil process.

A Young Drunken Cyclist Savages Several Policemen
It had to happen sooner or later – drunkenness in charge of an electric bike. However, this was an especially grave case involving assaulting the police. Five o’clock in the morning veering across the white line on the road through Larvotto attracted the attention of a police patrol. The youth would have been wise to meekly accept a scolding. Instead, youthful aggression took over fuelled by multiples glasses of alcohol consumed at a local bar. Insults and spitting landed him being escorted into the police vehicle where he continued biting and assaulting several of the police officers – five in all of which two ended up bruised sufficiently to be unable to work for a week. Perhaps drugs as well contributed to the youth’s aggressive behaviour as he had several grams of cannabis on him. Adding insult to injury, he threatened the French police with losing their jobs due to his Monegasque status. Spitting in this era of Covid-19 carried a severe health threat. All of which had a four-month jail term looming, which his defence lawyer was unable to entirely deflect – the eventual sentence was 10 days firm with the rest of the four months suspended. Likely will follow civil claims of several thousand euros of health-related expenses. Young drunken cyclists – a new phenomenon as electric bikes become the latest mode of transport.

A Dog Run Over and Crushed
An unusual and sad case of a dog escaping the supervision of a ship’s captain on the port. A brief spurt of freedom for the pet only to be run over by a scooter and mortally wounded. That is a tragedy but not at first thought a crime – it is not necessarily the scooterist’s fault, this misfortune of the beloved dog wandering loose on the road.

However, the police who were alerted, immediately recognized the driver of the scooter who had a history of problems and dependency on alcohol. A test for alcohol gave a reading of .49/l which is close to the limit of .5. So why was the driver of the scooter led away in handcuffs? Because due to prior convictions the youth was under a strict program to treat his addiction and refrain from a life addicted to alcohol. Reportedly he had had two glasses of wine for lunch, and then he joined friends the beach where he was also drinking a beer. It was while going to another café with his scooter that he caused the accident. He assured the magistrate that he was not going to the cafe for anything other than an innocent soda. As the defendant, already under caution, no longer qualified to receive an additional suspension, the court had to choose between imprisoning him or a financial penalty. He was fined 2,000 euros.