Spurned Love Rewarded with Revenge
“Hell has no fury than a woman scorned” is a famous line often attributed to Shakespeare though it has appeared in many plays. Sadly, this was no play as a Brazilian lady faced a real judge. Her lover had broken up with her and in her anger she had taken revenge by severely scratching his car. The gentleman had complained to the police suspecting when he discovered the damage that his x-girlfriend was the culprit. Video surveillance cameras backed up his suspicions. Their affair was an intricate one, she an x-prostitute and now a cleaner having difficulty managing her life. He was not only her lover but was helping her rehabilitate.

Perhaps this day in Court would reignite their love for each other as the lady tearfully admitted her vengeful act. They huddled together virtually embracing as the Court decided on a fine of 500 euros, posed with conditions that would suspend the fine.
A Violent Suitor Rejected In A Bar
A young girl on an evening out stops for a drink at a bar at the Port. An engaging young man from a nearby town approaches her to accompany her for a drink. Too many drinks it seems – because later he launches a violent slap to her face. The manager of the bar calls the police who take the 20-year-old young man away, swaying and tripping over in a drunken state. The girl lands in hospital and is off work for 5 days. Not the relaxing evening out she planned.

In Court the young plan pleads total amnesia – he cannot recall anything. Is alcohol alone to blame? Or did he feel jilted and lash out at the girl. The Courts never condone violence especially toward women. Even if it was solely alcohol-induced without another motive, a substantial fine was likely to be granted. There was the added suspicion though of it being “revenge of the jilted”. 1075 euros in fines plus a civil damages award of 500 euros was the result. The Defence’s plea to release the aggressor with just a warning was ignored.
Armed, Violent and Very Dangerous
Two violent young men dressed in black with helmets – their modus operandi: armed robbery with stolen scooters. Two robberies – in Monaco and La Turbie. The Monaco one yielded them 3500 euros, the La Turbie robbery just 50 euros. Each time they had viciously assaulted the bar-Tabac owners. Ruthless violence and robbery at gun point.

One of the two in his 20s currently serving several years in prison for a major drugs offense. The other 30-year-old with over 20 prior offenses to his name. In the second robbery now before the Court, evidence showed DNA linking a discarded gun to the robbers. The elder at 30 years old risked a potential 12-year jail sentence as the leader. His accomplice was also staring at a possible 8 year jail sentence. The judgement is awaited – but 20 hard years in jail is the potential reward for these two dangerous criminals.