More Monegasques than French People living in Monaco for the First Time…
The Monegasque Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies (IMSEE) recently published a detailed demographic study on the Monegasque population. As of December 31, 2023, the Principality has 9,790 Monegasques, an increase of 1.1%.
The study revealed that for the first time, that there are more Monegasque residents than French people. At the end of 2023, there were 38,367 residents in the Principality, an increase of 2.8% compared to 2016. The number of Monegasque residents reached 9,179 (out of 9,790) whereas that number of French residents was 8,473.
The entire Monegasque population was studied in this observatory, whether they are residents or not. The IMSEE states that, “The small size of the Monegasque population makes certain indicators volatile from one year to the next.”
More Monegasque women than men
Since 1951, three legislative changes have had a significant impact on the number of Monegasques: in 1952, in 1992 and in 2011. Apart from these years, the population growth has been steady. Women have always been in the majority, even if the proportion of men has been increasing steadily to reach 45.7% today.
Almost all Monegasques reside in the Principality
93.8% of Monegasques reside in the Principality and 4.9% in France. In 2023, nearly 8,800 Monegasques were born in Monaco or France, or nine out of ten. More than 200 were born in
Italy. Nearly 80% of Monegasques are adults.
More than two-thirds of Monegasques are by descent (75.0% of men and 60.7% of women). Nearly one in five Monegasques acquired nationality through marriage (8.2% of men and 27.5% of women). Monegasques having obtained nationality by Sovereign Ordinance of Naturalization represent 13.7% of the entire population.
Over 140 different nationalities in Monaco!
A total of 141 different nationalities reside in Monaco. After Monegasques (24%) and French (22%) the most populous residents are Italians (20%). After that are British tied with Russians (7%), followed by Swiss and Belgians (3%), who are just ahead of Germans (2%), followed by Portuguese and Dutch (1%).
Average age is 45
The average Monegasque is 45 years old. The age pyramid of Monegasques presents an unusual structure due to a significant number of individuals who join the population from the age of 40. This is mainly due to acquisitions of nationality by marriage. The average age is significantly higher among women (47.6) than among men (41.9 years old). Nearly one in five Monegasques is aged 16 and under and more than 15% are 75 and over.