Over the past few days, like all European countries, the epidemic grew in the Principality of Monaco. After being able to significantly slow the epidemic in the past two weeks, the Principality’s health authorities were informed that 4 more people had tested positive for Covid-19 to date. This brings the number of people infected in the Principality to 7.
The vast majority of these mildly symptomatic patients returned to their homes. One person is hospitalized at the CHPG. In accordance with the treatment protocol adopted by the Monegasque authorities, home confinement is preferred with the establishment of medical follow-up coordinated by the CHPG. This medical policy ensures patient comfort while preserving the public health infrastructure as much as possible for the most appropriate cases.
With each case, an epidemiological investigation was launched in order to find out the movements made by these patients over the past few days and identify the people with whom they would have been in contact.

A pandemic due to сoronavirus
The World Health Organisation has declared a pandemic due to Covid-19 (Coronavirus) and that pandemic is now running its course throughout Europe. First all eyes were on Italy but now Spain joins Italy with both in serious lockdown. Monaco is taking prudent steps with France to slow the epidemic. This is a very serious global pandemic affecting every continent except Antartica.
Italy has over 24.000 people infected with over 1.800 deaths. Medical staff in hospitals are heroic working to the point of exhaustion and beyond. There are even over 350 cases in Liguria, which heretofore had just a few cases. After Italy, Spain is the most affected in Europe and a quasi-total curfew has been imposed nationally there – in response to a sharp rise in infections and 183 deaths. People are confined to their homes with exceptions solely to shop for food.
The United States has just declared a state of emergency too and is scrambling to test sufficiently for the virus.
Moreover, due to coronavirus some airlines are modifying their flight schedules. In the context of the pandemic, Nice Côte d’Azur Airport announces, as of March 16th, the temporary closure of Terminal 1 and the switching of all its operations on the Terminal 2.

Slowdown of the Spread
The Principality of Monaco is now entering a phase of slowing the spread of the virus, like the neighbouring regions. The virus does not circulate alone, it is the movement of people that promotes the pandemic. It is for this reason that the Princely Government, on the instructions of His Excellency the Sovereign Prince, has taken a series of necessary measures to protect the national community.
It was thus decided, as of midnight Saturday to close until further notice places receiving the public that are not essential to the life of the country.
The following will remain open:
grocery stores and markets,
tobacco and news/press outlets
gas stations and banks,
Places of Worship.
All other non-essential commercial establishments, in particular restaurants, cafes, concert halls, cinemas, casinos and nightclubs, will close.
Schools and Nurseries
In the same spirit of limiting the movements and the contacts of people, the Princely Government in consultation with HSH the Sovereign Prince, instituted the closing, as of Monday, March 16, of nurseries and educational establishments in the Principality of Monaco (schools, colleges, high schools, higher education establishments, etc.).
The Directorate of National Education for Youth and Sports, together with the educational community, is focussed on taking adequate measures to ensure the continuity of public education service, including on-line education.
In order to answer any question relating to these measures concerning National Education, the Princely Government has set up a telephone number: 98 98 47 01 and an email: Covid19education@gouv.mc

At the same time, the Prince’s Government recommends the establishment of telework to allow the pursuit of economic activities while meeting the requirements of childcare. For commuters, this is a coherent response to the gradual slowdown in public transport supply; especially rail (SNCF and Thello).
No Shortage of Supply of Food
The Princely Government has multiplied contacts with different sectors of socio-economic life throughout the weekend, in particular, with the retail sector. There is no difficulty in supplying at the moment and that there are no concerns for the future. The Princely Government therefore calls on everyone not to change their traditional purchasing habits for foodstuffs. There is no reason to rush into stores; distribution networks are functioning normally. Stéphane Valeri and the Conseil National also echo this call for common sense to shop for food normally and calmly.
The health of Monegasques and residents in the Principality is an absolute priority of the Government and will remain so until the end of this global pandemic. The Princely Government thanks and welcomes the intense mobilization of all health and rescue personnel which, since the beginning of this epidemic, has enabled, allows and will allow this objective to be met.