On the eve of World Environment Day, the Université Côte d’Azur, with the support of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and the City of Nice, revealed there had been more than 355 contributions noted on a unique environmental map; this is a map showing the positive impacts of the pause in typical activity that happened during the COVID-19 “break” – namely a break in the world’s unsustainable pace and way of living.
Open Map of the “Global Pause”
The Université Côte d’Azur was instrumental in launching this particular project which was to create an “Open Map of the Global Pause” in order to provide a living collective memory of the positive phenomena that have occurred around the world since the start of the human pause imposed by Covid-19.

Hundreds of Positive Phenomena Noted
Open Map has already collected more than 355 “pins” from Internet users around the world who relay phenomena seen on social networks, in the press or of which they have been direct witnesses. The contributions relate to natural phenomena, innovations, art and culture, community initiatives, research or even more unusual events. This map offers the world a collaborative testimony with respect to the unparalleled period we have been going through.
The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation has joined the initiative supported by the City of Nice: “This initiative, which highlights unprecedented interactions between animals, nature and man, reflects the dynamics of the university and the richness of our region,” indicated Jeanick Brisswalter, President of Université Côte d’Azur in a press release.
The University thanks the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation for its support. There is a natural harmony with the Foundation linked to the University’s own program “A Green Shift?” which opens up a deep reflection on the relationship between man and nature in the post-pandemic world.
“The interactive map developed by Université Côte d’Azur – a long-standing partner of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, is a participatory project which makes it possible to account for the incredible dynamic that was put in place during the period of confinement. We have become aware of our fragility, but also of the incredible resilience of nature when human activities are paused,” specifies Olivier Wenden, Vice-President of the Foundation.

Living Testimony for the Future
The Open Map of the Global Pause is a living testimony to this unprecedented moment. This is further proof of the link between health and the environment, but also a positive vision of our ability to act together, individually and collectively, for the common good.
This map will continue to live beyond confinement because it will make it possible to offer educational awareness workshops internationally and in particular to the young generation of Nice.
To contribute to the interactive map, simply connect to the address https://globalpause.ushahidi.io/views/map
All contributions are welcomed, texts, photos, videos, URL link.
Project manager Press officer
Samira.KARRACH@univ-cotedazur.fr Delphine.SANFILIPPO@univ-cotedazur.fr