Keeping the Principality Safe: A New 2023 Public Security Command Centre and Much More

The Public Security building (which includes a major departmental HQ of sorts with the Operational Command Centre ) is going through quite a makeover – four new floors increasing the whole space by 40% to 9.500 square metres. The renovation was so massive that it called for temporary accommodation, organised in a ground-breaking new temporary building, to house for the moment many of the police effected. You can’t miss the temporary building and its portico that spans the Avenue des Castellans near the Louis II stadium, offering 2000 square metres of temporary space. 

Expect major changes once the make-over is completed by the end of 2023 even where the two entrances will be located for general reception and for services for residents. Look for them on rue Suffren-Reymond. There will even be a remodelled large roof terrace with a landing strip for drones. The future has arrived! 

The newly expanded and operational command of Public Security (CSCO) will remain located there. That’s where the the Principality’s CCTV cameras are viewed by the by the Police and detectives using state-of-the-art technologies… so vital to keeping Monaco safe. 

Keeping Monaco Safe

In addition to well over a thousand cameras keeping a close watch on Monegasque territory, the Directorate of Public Security currently has almost 600personnel. 

In detail reportedly: 

there are 98 women and 494 men. By 2025, additional recruitments are planned, resulting in a total of 606 staff all overseen by Richard Marangoni.

Police Academy and Data Centre

And to train police the Police Academy is reported to be stationed in the newly expanded facility as well as a data centre which will be integrated with national security requirements. 

All in all the newly renovated building will accommodate a 60% increase in personnel for a total of 225 people. 

For ceremonial occasions there will be a salon d’honneur and for history buffs and posterity a police museum.

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