New Campaign of Free Covid-19 Testing and Booster Shots: Stay Safe
Around the holidays, in order to avoid a possible resurgence of the epidemic as observed in the past, the Princely government is opening a new free screening campaign for Covid-19.
Traditionally during the holidays, we are a little less on our guard and it is sometimes tempting to relax observing the barrier gestures. We have observed in the past that when we came back from vacations, there were small rebounds in the epidemic.
To avoid this, the Government is offering this free screening program in the auditorium centre, Rainier III. Government adviser and Minister of Social Affairs and Health, Didier Gamerdinger, has taken to the microphone of “Monaco info” to explain and support this excellent program – a prudent step to keep the epidemic well contained.
This screening campaign, opens from Tuesday 2nd of November and remains open for almost two weeks until November 14th. It is addressed to all residents, employees and young schoolchildren.
Take advantage of the opportunity to be tested free as the virus is still circulating. No need for a medical prescription, just call the Covid 19 call line at 92 05 5500 and arrange an appointment.
The measured incidence in Monaco of Covid 19 is currently at 52 similar to surrounding Departments in France where it is approximately 62. Last June it was as low as 10, so we need to be on our guard again with the cold Winter season.
Booster Program – 3rd Dose
Of course, the vaccination program continues and for people who were earliest to be vaccinated, mainly the most elderly, this is the moment to take the opportunity to have the booster – the third vaccination. It is normal after the passage of time that the immunity provided by the initial vaccinations wanes a little. This is a good reason to have a booster, to increase immunity.
The Principality’s health records show just over 3,400 people so far have been affected by the coronavirus with the vast majority of people being healed, approximately 3,350.
At the end of the month on 29th, 30th and 31st of October there were 7 then 3 then zero new cases daily recorded in the Principality.