Prince’s Carabinieri “Fight Aids” on Bicycles
The Prince’s Carabinieri are trading in their traditional uniforms for a brand new outfit: cycling jerseys! In support of Princess Stephanie’s association Fight Aids Monaco, the Prince’s riflemen have helped design a new cycling jersey. The fresh jerseys are currently available for purchase with 10% of the proceeds going to the association.
Many of the Prince’s Carabinieri are avid cyclists. For the last ten years, the Carabinieri have donned the same jersey during their cycling trips. The old jerseys were in the colours of Fight Aids Monaco, with the blue accents, but it was time for an update. This year, the riflemen will be wearing their new outfits while cycling through Bagnères de Luchon in June.
The new sports uniform was unveiled in the presence of the Sovereign and Princess Stephanie at the Fairmont Monte-Carlo. Christian Prudhomme, director of the Tour de France, was also present for the unveiling and was happy to see that the carabinieri have chosen the bicycle as a pedalling force of a good cause. According to the director, champions are built through adversity, the same adversity that people with AIDS must overcome.
The new outfit has red shoulders, ‘Monaco’ written across the middle and black shorts. The cycling outfits are made by Ekoi, a leader in European cycling equipment, and are currently available on their website.
“At the initiative of Chief Adjutant Denis Raymond, this outfit will be worn next June by the Carabiniers du Prince during a cycling course in Bagnères de Luchon. Thanks to Jean-Christophe Ratel, General Manager of EKOÏ and of course to Chief Warrant Officer Denis Raymond,” Fight Aids Monaco said on social media.
From 10 to 13 June, the riflemen will be facing tough vertical drops and climbs during a pro cycling course, organized by Chief Warrant Officer Denis Raymond. The Carabinieri will be expected to cycle through the historic site, made famous by the Tour de France, in four days. A total of 220 kilometres, including 6 kilometres of elevation gain, will make one solid challenge. On 12 June, a final event mixing professionals and amateurs will be taking place to support Fight Aids Monaco.