From the beginning of the health crisis, Princess Grace Hospital has found itself on the front lines of the Principality’s COVID-19 strategy, organising testing and treating patients with the disease, particularly the most vulnerable who require hospital care.
In the initial phase of managing the epidemic, Princess Grace Hospital was able to mobilise all of its teams and work with health care providers in the community to meet the needs of every patient.
This first phase drew heavily on the hospital’s resources, in terms of staffing costs as well as biomedical investments and spending on protective equipment, while at the same time the hospital’s revenue dipped significantly as scheduled activities were halted due to the lockdown.
It is now time to proceed more calmly into this new phase of managing the epidemic, characterised by the gradual easing of lockdown measures.

Dr Chrystel Fissore, Head of the Laboratory Service
Mr André Garino, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Princess Grace Hospital
Mr Francesco Grosoli, Chief Executive Officer, CMB
Ms Benoîte de Sevelinges, Director, Princess Grace Hospital
Prof Isabelle Rouquette, Head of the Anaesthesia/Intensive Care Service
Mr Etienne Franzi, Chairman, CMB
Dr Mathieu Liberatore, Head of Service and President of the Princess Grace Hospital Medical Commission
Dr Olivia Keita Perse, Head of the Infectious Diseases Service
© Government Communication Department / Manuel Vitali
Against this background, the mobilisation of the Compagnie Monégasque de Banque on behalf of Princess Grace Hospital has been and continues to be remarkable: in one month, the bank has met the challenge of raising funds from its clients. A total of €470,955 have been raised, €100,000 of which were donated by the bank itself.
This momentum to mobilise resources will enable Princess Grace Hospital to accelerate its transformation so that it is fully prepared to react as the epidemic develops over the coming months.
The generous donations will benefit the hospital departments that have been impacted by COVID-19. Among other things, the funds raised by CMB have enabled investment in ventilators, automated laboratory equipment, a neuromuscular stimulator, respiratory monitoring equipment, ultrasound scanners and surgical instruments.