Learn what has been going on this week in the Principality of Monaco from out brief digest for which we selected the most interesting pieces of news.
The Monaco Yacht Show launches its Adventure Area
The Adventure Area is the Monaco Yacht Show’s new themed exhibition dedicated to adventure, exploration and all manner of leisure activities on board a yacht.
From 28 September to 1 October, the MYS new Adventure Area is set to boast a vast range of day-trip and sports tenders, luxury and off-road vehicles, water toys, high-tech gadgets, helicopters and tailor-made programmes to explore the planet’s most remote destinations.
The exhibition will span across two sites at Monaco’s Port Hercule: Quai Antoine Ier, which previously featured the Car Deck and Tenders & Toys exhibitions, is now home to the Adventure Area that combines the two themes in a single location, boasting a myriad of luxury vehicles, tenders and water toys for visitors to discover; secondly, as in previous editions, around twenty tenders will be moored at Quai Jarlan.
Monte-Carlo Philharmonic presents Extraordinary 2022-2023 Season

Extraordinary events have always been on the Monte-Carlo Philharmonic’s calendar since its creation over 150 years ago, until the pandemic slowed things down. Now, after two years of health restrictions, concerts are in full swing in Monaco and an exciting line-up of international and local talent is on the agenda, with over 50 concerts to choose from. From chamber music, to Mozart, to lyrical poetry; highlights of the upcoming season include a tribute to Princess Grace, a Prince Albert I commemorative concert, live music accompanying a projection of The Cabinet of Doctor Caligari and a tribute to Diaghilev featuring Martha Argerich, who is widely considered one of the greatest pianists of all time.
A Courageous Monaco Firefighter Lost His Life at the Tragic Fire in an apartment at “Le 21” near the Grimaldi Forum

A most tragic death of a courageous Monaco fireman has occurred in the course of a rescue mission which saved two occupants from a fire in a large luxurious apartment in the “Le 21” residence, avenue Princesse-Grace. “Le 21” is opposite the Grimaldi Forum which housed the Monte-Carlo Television Festival.
This brave hero succumbed after being exposed to copious black toxic fumes from the blaze leading to his evacuation to Princess Grace Hospital where sadly his condition was so severe he could not be revived and he passed away.
Trophy awarded by the World Health Organisation to the Principality’s health professionals

On the initiative of the World Health Organisation (WHO), supported by the Principality, the year 2021 was dedicated as the International Year of Health and Care Workers.
The year 2021 was indeed particularly challenging for health systems and imposed heavy constraints on health and care professionals in all European countries. In this context, the WHO Regional Director, Mr. Hans Kluge, was keen to express his personal gratitude and that of the WHO Europe Regional Office for the commitment and dedication of all the workers concerned, including the Principality’s health professionals.
The Young Age of AS Monaco’s Players is Part of the Secret of its Success

According to a study carried out by The Analyst, the Principality’s Club is in the Top 10 with respect to the teams with the youngest average age among the five major European championships. Monegasque youth are doing (very) well! With a place on the podium for the second time in a row, AS Monaco has had another top-flight season, thanks in particular to the younger players in its squad. According to a study carried out by The Analyst, a media specializing in figures and statistics, the Club of the Principality is also one of the reference beacons in this area in Europe.