In Monaco, maternity leave has been increased from 16 to 18 weeks in the private sector and the law on the adoption of children has been modernized. These bills on maternity leave and adoption have been voted on by the National Council during the assembly’s spring session. Both were approved.
Maternity Leave for Private Sector Employees
Maternity leave is extended from 16 to 18 weeks, while increasing the possibility of postponement of prenatal leave from four to six weeks. The extension of two additional weeks is in the postnatal part of the maternity leave, so maternity leave will now be characterized, at least in principle, by eight weeks of pre-natal leave and by another period of ten weeks after, against eight previously.

By granting the possibility of postponing maternity leave for six weeks, the legislation now gives more flexibility to women and their families in terms of their organization. A certain flexibility might also be envisaged during the last weeks of maternity leave, allowing for example, a return to work part time. The separation would then be more gradual between the mother and her child.
By voting on Bill 920, elected officials also agreed to an amendment to the Civil Code on issues relating to adoption. The new text modernizes rights.

Among the advances, the text facilitates adoption by requiring that only one of the spouses meet the age requirement (26 years) and not both. It also gives a six-week cooling off period for biological parents, counted from the date of birth of the child, which is particularly important for mothers in distress.
As regards nationality, the new text establishes equality of nationality between all children of the household, including minors under adoption. And it enshrines in Monegasque law the right of access to information relating to an adoptee’s origins, throughout the life of the adoptee.
However, the opportunity to adopt remains not available to a single person.