There have been no deaths from Covid-19 nor cases even of infection among the elderly group in the three homes whose ages average well over 85. The three homes are A Quietudine (over 75 residents), Cap Fleuri (over 85 residents) and the Rainier-III Centre.
Ranging from strict to exceptionally strict preventive measures implemented early, some as early as last December, have protected them. The protective measures were made doubly strict from early March including:
– Restricting visits,
– Wearing masks,
– Confinement in rooms,
– Immediate testing at the first sign of symptoms.
Extremely dedicated staff are monitored with a temperature measurement twice a day. It is reported that there were solely three cases of infections in staff which were detected early and those staff immediately isolated to protect everyone.
Home Delivery of Meals to the Aged

The Mairie has organised meals for the 70 and overs and those vulnerable collaborating with the Red Cross and the Hotel and Catering College Lycee Technique et Hotelier de Monaco.
Over 150 lunches and 75 dinners are provided each and every day. It’s an important service which is being called on more and more.
If you are in need you can contact the service at Tel.: 93 15 22 99
The meals are home-delivered by refrigerated truck, all organised by the Mairie of Monaco, Social Services.
It’s a full meal at an affordable price of 9 euros for lunch and 15 euros for dinner including entree, main course, cheese course and dessert.