Entering France From the E.U. and UK
If you are travelling within the European Union and the U.K. normally, you do not have to quarantine in France. 14 days quarantine may possibly apply to other travellers. This has recently been clarified by the French authorities:
France will not impose quarantine on anyone, regardless of nationality, from the EU, the Schengen area or the United Kingdom, the Elysee has announced.
For other cases, such as that of French or Europeans arriving from a zone other than the EU, the Schengen area or the United Kingdom, details will be specified soon by the French authorities which could well include a period of quarantine. We await the details.
And be cautious about considering travel beyond France. because in terms of travel beyond France, France’s borders will remain closed to a number of countries and the situation is in a state of flux, as are the regulations. In any event it is wise to limit international travel during the health crisis and any movement across a border may involve complexities.

If you have been Quarantining in France
If you are in the Alpes Maritimes, for example, and also are not travelling beyond 100 kms from your residence, then you can travel without special justification.
If you are travelling beyond 100kms in France from your residence you are required to have at hand an “attestation” explaining the reason for your travel.
If You are Outside the European Union or the U.K.
Consulate your local embassy or consulate with respect to permitted travel back to the E.U. and the U.K. and thence back to France and Monaco. If there is not a Monaco consular representative, contact the local French Embassy. The border of Monaco and France is not closed. There are however regular checks both within France and Monaco, and each country’s regulations apply when you are in their territory.
On Return to Monaco – What to Expect
Residents returning to Monaco from abroad must stay at home for 14 days.
In addition, you must contact the COVID19 call center as soon as you return to Monaco ( from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. / covid19@gouv.mc).
And with respect to any work you should not go to work if remote work is impossible.
Then once you are within Monaco:
As of May 4, confinement was gradually lifted in Monaco, with the first reopening of businesses. The following rules and recommendations now apply:
- wearing a mask is strongly recommended in public spaces;
- wearing a mask is compulsory in public transport and shops;
- all persons must respect a minimum safety distance of 1.5 m as well as the markings on the ground in the places concerned.
Security Checks at Monaco’s Borders and Within Monaco
For health and security reasons Monaco maintains a high state of vigilance at its border and within. There are regular controls. To give an example over a recent period Public Security were carrying out nearly 850 checks per day. Other than residents, only people who make justified permitted trips with the correct documentation required by the Principality will have access to the territory of Monaco. Typically this would include some workers whose physical presence is required and who cannot work remotely.
Workers Commuting into Monaco
The objective of Public Safety is to ensure that the only motorists entering the Principality are those who need to make this trip. The agents therefore check that motorists coming from France are well provided with their proof of professional travel – motorists are expected to prepare their identity document and present their proof of professional travel visibly behind the vehicle windshield.