Since 1972, the 5th of June has been marked as World Environment Day, initiated by the UN. In 2019 World Environment Day focuses on air pollution, a major global problem that kills more than 7 million people a year and affects 9 out of 10 people who have to endure breathing polluted air.
This challenges us to think about how we can change our lives and daily habits to reduce the pollution we produce and breathe!
At the 1st WHO Global Conference on Air Pollution and Health, held in Geneva from October 30 to November 1, 2018, HSH Prince Albert II announced that the Principality was joining the Breathelife campaign, led jointly by WHO, UN-Environment and the Coalition for Cleaner Air and Climate (CCAC). The goal is to mobilize cities and individuals to protect our health and the planet from the effects of air pollution.
On this symbolic day of June 5th, Government Ministers and Councilors Marie-Pierre Gramaglia and Didier Gamerdinger will sign the Principality’s accession to the Breathlife network. The Principality is committed to improving air quality by achieving the goals set by the World Health Organization by 2030. In particular this will be achieved by promoting the use of clean vehicles, by reducing emissions from buildings related to heating or air conditioning, limiting the tonnage of waste incinerated and promoting alternative energy sources such as thalassothermy.

It should be recalled that since 1995, the Principality has been monitoring daily air quality in 5 sites in its territory – thanks to pollutant measuring stations which measure particulate matter, nitrous oxide, sulfur dioxide and ozone , carbon monoxide and carbon and some metals. Developments are underway to evaluate the content of the very finest particles from combustion.
A partnership initiated since 2015 with AtmoSud, the approved association for the monitoring of air quality in the Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur region, allows the calculation and forecasting of air quality in the Principality. It is announced daily to residents via an Air Quality Index (AQI) on the government website (
As part of the Smart City program, there will also be installed micro-sensors on passenger shelters to assess air quality.
Monaco has already taken steps to eliminate fossil fuels, manage waste and support clean mobility, both to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to improve the quality of the environment and Monaco’s air.
Finally, note that on World Environment Day, Wednesday, June 5, CAM buses will be free.