Princely Family of Monaco attended the 9th Saint Devote Rugby Tournament
On May 11, 2019, Prince Albert II, Princess Charlene, their twins Crown Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella attended the 9th Saint Devote Rugby Tournament at the Louis II Stadium in Monaco. Saint Devote Tournament is organized by the Monegasque Rugby Federation with the support of The Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation. (Source:

Princess Charlene opened Grace Kelly exhibition at the Galaxy Macau
On May 15, 2019, Princess Charlene of Monaco opened the “Grace Kelly From Hollywood to Monaco” exhibition at the Galaxy Macau Exhibition Hall in Macau, China. The exhibition showcases many of Kelly’s achievements. Film posters feature as a core section. More than a dozen posters of her films are displayed in the gallery, plus replicas of film ads on aged Hong Kong newspaper. The exhibition, located at the Crystal Lobby of Galaxy Macau, is open to the public for free until August 28. (Source:

Prince Pierre of Monaco Foundation – Paris – Tuesday 14 May 2019
The Literary Council of the Prince Pierre of Monaco Foundation met in Paris at La Dame de Pic restaurant to draw up a shortlist of authors under consideration for the Literary Prize, which recognises a renowned French-speaking writer for the whole of his or her work.
The jury chose: Christian Bobin – Linda Lê – Pierre Michon – Jean Rouaud. Also selected for the Discovery Grant, a prize awarded to a French-speaking author for a first work of fiction, were:
Christine Barthe for Que va-t-on faire de Knut Hamsun, Editions Robert Laffont, Jérôme Bastianelli for La vraie vie de Vinteuil (The Real Life of Vinteuil), Editions Grasset.

Grégory Le Floch for Dans la forêt du hameau de Hardt (In the Forest of the Hamlet of Hardt), Editions de l’Ogre, Joseph Ponthus for A la ligne (To the Line), Editions Table Ronde, Sylvain Ouillon for Les jours (The Days), Editions Gallimard.
All these books will be the subject of the forthcoming Reading Marathon, to be launched on Tuesday 18 June 2019 at 3 p.m. at the Monaco Multimedia Library. The winners of the Literary Prize and Discovery Grant will be announced at the Foundation’s Prize Announcement Ceremony on Tuesday 15 October 2019 at the Salle Garnier. (Source: