Monaco's statistics

Results of 2016 census

The Monegasque Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (IMSEE) recently published the full report presenting the results of the census, which established the population on 7 June 2016 at 37,308 residents (an increase of 5.5% compared with 2008), representing 139 different nationalities.

The report sets out the information gathered by means of the completed forms that were collected by the census agents, then digitised at IMSEE’s offices. Following the collection stage, the IMSEE team analysed the data gathered.

The census, carried out on average once every eight years, allows the population to be counted and provides an understanding of Monaco’s resident population and housing stock. It covers everyone living within the Principality’s territory.

Beyond simply counting the number of people and residences, the information collected assists and guides implementation of public policies. This information is a useful decision-making tool for the Government.

The most recent census in Monaco took place from 7 June to 29 July 2016. To achieve this snapshot of the Monegasque population and housing stock, the Principality was divided into eight sectors (Fontvieille, Exotic Garden, Monaco-Ville, Les Moneghetti, La Condamine, Monte-Carlo, Larvotto and La Rousse) which matched the country’s districts (as defined by Sovereign Ordinance), and then into more than 180 sub-sectors.


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