Coronavirus Reopening: Sports, Bars, Casinos Open in Monaco
The Principality recently entered the 4th phase of lockdown restrictions as overall health developments have been deemed satisfactory by the Prince’s Government. Several economic sectors have resumed activities under the certain safety rules, including physical distancing.
On Tuesday 14 July, for the second day in a row, no new people tested positive for COVID-19. 109 people have been affected by the virus, with 97 people recovered.
Social distancing rules (1.5 metres) and preventive measures remain in place. Limiting travel as much as possible is still recommended, especially for vulnerable people. Wearing a mask during every outing is strongly recommended. Any gathering of more than 10 people is prohibited in public and at home.
Health measures for restaurants, bars, casinos and sports
In restaurants, wearing a mask is mandatory for employees, but not for customers. Making reservations is recommended before going out to eat. Tables are limited to 10 places maximum, with a distance of 50 cm between each guest and 1 metre between tables unless physical partitions (like plexiglass) have been installed. Menus must be displayed or available digitally so customers can browse on their own smartphones. Condiments on the table must be individualized to avoid physical contact. Valets are authorized provided that surfaces are disinfected each time.
In bars, customers must be seated. Tables are also limited to a maximum of 10 people. In museums and exhibition spaces, access must be regulated by a one-way flow for visitors.
Sunbathing is permitted at beaches as long as there are 1.5 metres between towels, even within the same family.
Casinos and gaming rooms must close one slot machine out of two to keep distances between players and separations must be provided at the gaming tables, as well as the regular and systematic cleaning of dice and tokens.
Individual sports are authorized including competitive swimming. Collective and contact sports remain prohibited. Sports associations and federations can resume activities subject to a validation of their safety measures by health authorities. Among the criteria, a plan for cleaning and disinfecting the facilities, an area of 4 m2 per person in the changing rooms, individual organization of snacks and drinks (water bottles, etc.), individual personal effects (such as towels, etc.) must be put in place.