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Free Buses in Monaco will Circulate till 2023

The test of free bus travel in the Principality, initiated by the Prince’s Government on 3rd October, will be extended until 2nd January 2023 inclusive. 

The State’s services want to give themselves the time and the means to collect and analyse all the data on the impact of this measure on the number of people using Monaco’s (MBF) buses, on road traffic in the city correlated with the use of public car parks, and on the evolution of the level of car pollution. These figures will help decide on the conclusions to be drawn from this test.

As a reminder, the aim of this full-scale test, set up in conjunction with the National Council and with the help of the Compagnie des Autobus de Monaco (CAM), is to encourage the use of public transport in order to ease traffic congestion, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve the quality of life of Monegasques, residents, commuters and visitors to the Principality.

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