New Law on Sex Crimes voted in Unanimously by National Council
The National Council recently passed a new law which criminalizes sexual assault, redefines many sexual offences and helps protect minors who are victims of sexual crimes. Bill 1027 was passed by unanimous vote.
The new law redefines certain sex crimes, including “public indecency” and “indecent assault”, which will henceforth be known as “sexual exhibition” and “sexual assault”. Relabelling these acts highlights the sexual nature of these crimes. The bill also redefines the offences of rape and sexual assault by making reference to ‘lack of consent’. To strengthen victim’s cases, the bill introduced a supposition of aggression, especially when the victim is a minor or if there is a familial relationship.
Marine Grisoul brought the bill to the table. During her speech, she said she is proud of a law which helps protect victims of sexual offences, in particular when those victims are minors. The members of the Commission also introduced a presumption of absence of consent for minors under the age of 13, meaning that a minor under 13 cannot have consented to an act which is sexual in nature. This has been hailed as a major step forward for the protection of young people. The new bill also addresses sexual harassment and introduces the offence of sexual blackmail outside of an employment relationship.
New bill concerning insider trading also passed
Three other bills were also passed during the same meeting, which occurred in mid-December.
Bill 1338 concerns financial activities and increases criminal penalties for insider trading. It also broadens the mission of the CCAF, the Commission for the Control of Financial Activities.
The second law relates to “unconventional practices contributing to well-being”.
The last bill relates to pharmacy practices, comprising of 185 articles on almost 50 pages and aims to modernize regulations in the profession. It was voted in unanimously in the presence of Caroline Rougaignon-Vernin, president of the Order of Pharmacists and of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council.