Prince Albert attends 75th Anniversary of D-Day
Prince Albert travelled to Normandy for three days to attend the 75th Anniversary of D-Day (6 June 1944). Accompanied by members of his family, including Michael Wittstock (his father-in-law) and Chris Le Vine (his cousin), the Sovereign visited LeGrand Bunker Museum in Ouistreham, before visiting the Caen Memorial Museum, where he saw an exhibition by Norman Rockwell entitled ‘Rockwell, Roosevelt and The Four Freedoms’. To close the first day of his visit, the delegation was invited to the Town Hall by Joel Bruneau, Mayor of Caen, for a dinner in Prince Albert’s honour.

On Thursday 6 June, Prince Albert travelled to Sainte-Mère-Eglise, where Retired Colonel Keith Nightingale and the Friends of American Veterans Association, recounted the bitter battle between paratroopers of the 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions and the German forces, which took place 75 years ago. Jean Quétier, Mayor of the small yet infamous town, presented Prince Albert with the City Medal and an Honorary Member of the Friends of American Veterans Diploma.

On Friday 7 June, the Prince and his delegation travelled to the Memorial Hospital France / United States, in Saint-Lô, to attend the unveiling of a plaque honouring Franco-American friendship. Wreaths were laid in honour of the veterans, some of whom attended the commemoration with their families. The American, Monegasque and French national anthems sounded before US Air Force planes flew over the hospital.

Race Across the World ends in Monaco
A wold-wide campaign to raise awareness about the health benefits of running, which began in Lanzhou, China on 2 June, ended on 8 June in Monaco. The Run 24-1 campaign saw more than 15,000 people run across six continents by travelling to 24 cities. The big finish line was on the Palace Square. A hundred joggers in white T-shirts, including many international athletes, criss-crossed 1.6 km of Monaco. Prince Albert II, who hosted the grand finale, congratulated each participant, saying the eventis an excellent incentive for young people to run more and lead a healthy life-style.

Children from Fiji, the US, Nairobi, Cuba and Colombia all had the chance to race with Olympic medal winners, world record holder Paula Radcliffe, F1 drivers Mika Häkkinen and Felipe Massa. The campaign has had a historic impact in some countries. The Palestinians’ run along Gaza, which hosted an international sporting event for the first time, made a huge international impression. The event demonstrated how sports can unite athletes across the globe.

Charlotte Casiraghi attended prize giving ceremony of 2019 Philosophical Encounters
Princess Caroline of Hanover and Charlotte Casiraghi attendedthe award ceremony of the international symposium “ThePhilosophical Encounters 2019″ (Les RencontresPhilosophiques de Monaco) held at the Oceanographic Museumin Monaco. Founded in 2015 by Charlotte Casiraghi, JosephCohen, Robert Maggiori and Raphael Zagury, the PhilosophicalEncounters of Monaco aims to open up philosophy to thegreatest number by proposing series of thematic conferences.(Source:

Princess Caroline attended Jeune J’écoute’s Board Meeting
Princess Caroline of Hanover attended Board Meeting of JeuneJ’écoute Association held at Fontvieille in Monaco. ThePrincess founded the association Jeune J’Ecoute in 1981. TheJeune J’écoute association, located on Quai Albert I is a placewhere children and adolescents who are experiencing difficultiesat school or within their families can spend time and be listenedto. The association welcomes children and youth, providingthem with psycho-social and educational support through leisureand school support activities. The Princess is the honorarypresident of Jeune J’écoute. (Source: