Certain coins dwelling in your porte-monnet may turn out to be real treasures. An inconspicuous 2-euro coin featuring Princess Grace and minted in 2007 is valued at thousands of euros by collectors. Why do these specimens stand out from the others? Small states which are not members of the European Union, but who nevertheless use the euro as their official currency, like Monaco, the Vatican, Andorra and San Marino, actually also mint small editions of commemorative coins noteworthy in that their value increases even at the time of issue. If we are talking about the value and cost of these 2-euro commemorative coins, Monaco is an absolute leader here. It is the 2-euros featuring the Monegasque Princess which is the most expensive coin today. So, which Principality-related coins merit special attention?

25th anniversary of the death of Princess Grace, 2007
The 2007 anniversary coin featuring the Monegasque Princess was ordered by the Principality in memory of Grace Kelly, 25 years after she had tragically died in a car accident in 1982. At its issue, the coin could have been purchased for 120 euros. It was a special edition of 20,001 copies, one of which was presented to Prince Albert. For several years from 2007 to 2014, it had distinguished itself as being the smallest mintage of commemorative coins ever. In 2015 another Monegasque coin featuring the Fortress of Monaco, minted in 10,001 copies, came into circulation.
In 2007, the Grimaldi Forum hosted the «Les Années Grace Kelly» exhibition. Some 4,000 commemorative coins were then sold at a price of 120 euros each to the visitors featuring the Princess, the American film actress and the mother of the reigning Prince, Albert II.
Apparently, its value over the past 13 years has gone up exponentially. If ever you own this coin, you may sell it to collectors for several thousand euros. Moreover, its price is continually growing. We can only guess how much the numismatists would lash out on this coin in a few years’ time.

800th anniversary of the construction of the first castle on the Rock, 2015
The Monaco Fortress coin (mintage 10.001 coins) commemorates the 800th anniversary of the first castle on the Rock. At the time of issue, it was sold at a price of 120 euros. Over the next two years, however, its value had risen to 1000 euros and nowadays exceeds 1200 euros. It features a fortress on top of a cliff. According to experts, in two year’s time its price is likely to grow still further.

Prince of Monaco Albert II and Charlene Wittstock’s wedding, 2011
Another spectacular coin was minted in 2011 in honour of the Prince of Monaco, Albert II and Charlene Wittstock’s wedding. The coin was issued in about 150,000 copies, somewhat reducing its value for the numismatists. The real collectors are still passionate about it, however, as this event was really a very important one that brought a lot of happiness for the people of the Principality.

500th anniversary of Monaco independence, 2012
This coin which was ordered by the Principality and issued by the Monnaie de Paris (Paris Mint) commemorates the 500th anniversary of Monaco independence from France. Its front side features Lord Lucien I (Grimaldi) who was ruling over the Principality at the time it became independent. Today this coin (mintage 110,000 copies) may cost around a few dozen euros.
20th anniversary of the Principality’s UN membership, 2013
This coin commemorates the 20th anniversary of Monaco joining the UN. A dove with an olive branch in its beak, hovering over the globe’s continents, is featured on its front. By the way, a dove is also a symbol of Saint Devota, Monaco’s patroness saint. Celebrations of Saint Devota take place every year on January, 27 in the famous chapel. This coin has been issued in more than one million copies which prevented its price rising significantly. Nevertheless, this piece is still valuable for the numismatist community and those who collect rare and interesting coins — and almost everybody can buy it for its use as money or just to admire it.

New Commemorative 2-Euro Coins Issued In The Last Few Years
All the coins we told you about have been issued some time ago, and there is a high probability that many of them have taken their honourable places in numismatic collections. But do not be upset: the Principality annually issues commemorative coins in a rather impressive amount of 15–16,000 pieces.
Thus, in 2016 there appeared a commemorative 2€ piece dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the foundation of Monte-Carlo by Prince Charles III. This coin may cost about 400 euros.
2017 was marked by the bicentennial anniversary of the main military arm of the country — the Compagnie des Carabiniers du Prince, and at the end of the year a coin was issued with the image of two officers of the Prince’s Carabiniers wearing the uniform of the early 19th century and modern full-dress uniform with the princely Palace in the background. One can buy this coin for about 330 euros.
In 2018, the Principality celebrated 250 years since the birth of the outstanding Monegasque sculptor François-Joseph Bosio. The image on this anniversary coin was dedicated to the naiad Salmacis (La nymphe Salmacis), one of his most famous works. The price of this coin approximates 300 euros.
Finally, at the end of last year, a coin was issued to mark the 200th anniversary of Prince Honoré V’s accession to the throne. It cost about 250 euros.
It is quite possible that soon one of these new coins might be given to you in a supermarket or a newspaper kiosk. So it makes sense not only to carefully count your coins, but also to check which coins you were given as change. So, have you already looked for some commemorative coins in your wallet..?