Law & Order

Police Race after a Topless Flasher and a Suicidal Jewellery Thief

Stopped in a flash when His Girlfriend “Flashed” Nude

Exhibitionism sank a tipsy British motorist driving in the area of the Jardin Exotique. His companion in the car obviously decided that the signs Exotique tendered the area permissible for an exotic display of her anatomy. Passers-by were subjected to a surprise topless display. Not smart to also treat two policemen to the same flagrant show of nudity. The police stopped the car to make a closer assessment of the situation which was causing a sensation on the street.

Somewhat unlucky for the driver who was going to take the full brunt of the responsibility for his companion’s exhibitionism – not so much for the nude display but because he was drunk at the wheel. The moral of this story is first and foremost don’t drink and drive. And secondly being party to a high profile scene at the same time is a fast route to a seat in front of judge. And the young man in his thirties just might end up in jail even though he had no prior offenses.

Law and Order

There was no accident and no victims and no careless or dangerous driving at high speed – but obviously far too many beers before driving off after a “liquid lunch”. Typically, he would have been fined. But piercing behind his description of himself as executive of a company based in La Turbie, it turned out he had no income to pay a fine. The result was a suspended jail sentence of ten days instead. And the whereabouts of his exotic companion – she was not in court.

A Cliffhanger – Jewellery Thief Threatens to Throw Himself In The Sea

Strange – the safe for jewellery of a Monegasque lady was unlocked. Never before. Dozens of items were missing: rings, watches and jewellery. A tidy haul including items by Chopard, Chaumet and Cartier valued at about 60.000 euros. What had changed in the environment? One obvious avenue to investigate – a new maid. Questioned by the lady she recounted the problems she was having with a psychologically disturbed son. He had indeed accompanied her one day to the apartment when she was working.

A police investigation is mounted. The troubled so has a girlfriend whose initial statement fails to incriminate him. What turned the tables? Domestic violence perhaps or was she worried she too was under suspicion. Her bank account had a few thousand in it unaccounted for. Gifts? Why? She changed her statement and confessed to knowledge that her companion had stolen the jewellery and claimed he had forced her to “fence” it. She even showed receipts for some of the sales. She feared he would become violent if she refused to cooperate.

Law and Order

Meanwhile the young jewel thief faced with court threatened to throw himself off a cliff. A review of his past revealed a four year spree of crimes of theft, hiding stolen property and driving without a license. The Court came down with a severe sentence. Instead of a suspended jail sentence of up to eight months he received 6 months firm. The innocence of his girlfriend in getting rid of the stolen jewellery was questionable. The Court decided she was at least partly responsible for her actions and gave her a one month suspended sentence.

Good news for the lady who due to some expert police work recovered the most valuable jewellery and watches. A civil award of 10.000 euros was awarded for the rest.

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