She is a passionate, smart and multilingual professional, detail-oriented and prone to social relations at international level. She feels like a global citizen being deeply attached to the Principality of Monaco where she has been carrying out her business for a while now. Counting on a solid training in foreign languages, Elizaveta Lovering founded Monaco Translations which offers qualified translation and interpreting services in Russian, French and English, marked by considerable added value. Elizaveta offers a comprehensive approach aimed at supporting her clients in every respect, beyond linguistic aspects, including all administrative and legal procedures — a valuable aid resulting from about twenty years of experience that allowed her to get an in-depth knowledge of the open-minded and multicultural environment of the Monegasque territory. Consequently, her good reputation has constantly led her to play important roles in key Institutions operating in Monaco. HelloMonaco had the chance to collect some significant thoughts from Elizaveta Lovering about her background, professional interests, and some private insights.
HelloMonaco: Elizaveta, what are your origins? What binds you to the French-speaking world?
Elizaveta Lovering: I am originally from the charming city of Rostov-on-Don, capital town in the South of Russia but French culture has always been present in my family. My mother is fluent in French and my great-grandfather was French; that was one of the reasons why I attended a school focused on advanced learning of French. Later on it became my first language and main specialization at the State University, where I had been learning Languages & Human Sciences and where I graduated with a thesis on French Grammar. So, I have always been tied to this culture to which I was destined, one could say. I have always been dreaming about visiting France and finally my dream came true.

HelloMonaco: What pushed you to settle down in Europe and, then, in Monaco?
EL: Having built a solid ‘francophone’ linguistic background, I was primarily employed in a joint venture with a Belgian company while studying. Finally, I was allowed to be registered in the French administrative system and to be enrolled in La Sorbonne University. So, I settled first in Paris. That gave me the chance to travel a little bit around the whole country including the Principality. When I first came to Monaco for a week, I literally fell in love with this place for its extremely multinational and multilingual environment. The Principality embodied the ideal place more than Paris itself where I found some difficulties integrating in the local community. I would have liked to become a pioneer to develop ties between Monaco and Russia, still in an embryonic stage at that moment. And then, after a long time training and the path of life I succeeded in doing it! And I have always felt part of the Monegasque framework.
HelloMonaco: What do you like most about the Principality?
EL: Everything here is much simpler. You go to the beach, you walk in the street and you meet people of different nationalities willing to communicate with you. For me the Monaco environment was a real discovery from the point of view of human relations. So, I said to myself, if there is a place where I can make life plans and develop my job, that is Monaco — although at the time of my arrival here (early 2000s) the Monegasque Russian community was practically non-existent. Nevertheless, I felt comfortable from the beginning and I could build a network of friendships between French and Monegasque people as well as among the English community, where I also found love and got married.

HelloMonaco: Do you feel integrated in the Monegasque community?
EL: I do, absolutely. I am founder and manager of Monaco Translations, a company registered in the Principality of Monaco. I had the honour of being sworn in as a trilingual interpreter and translator within the Monaco Palace of Justice. For this I feel very proud. My business definitely involves multi-tasking and is very dynamic, primarily addressed to the Russian speaking community who live in the Principality but also to the international audience. On a more personal level, I do believe that Monaco’s education system is perfect for my children, the best they could ever have had. At their young age they can already communicate in several languages from French to English, from Italian to Russian… it is amazing! Safety, economic stability and cultural environment are all on top in Monaco. And the health crisis neither affected the Monaco system’s efficiency or my business.

HelloMonaco: You are playing different roles for local key institutions, what do you like most about your multitasking approach?
EL: My current duties include already the essence of my professional background. It all started when the first Russian families visiting the Principality asked me to support them in some way. I started then to improve myself by practicing day by day, based on my knowledge. Thus, I decided to turn all that into a professional activity providing a linguistic, administrative and legal aid for Russian speakers who want to settle in Monaco on a personal or professional basis, or to join the Monegasque education system or reside in the Principality, etc. My role as facilitator is total, being used to accompanying my clients to any governmental or municipal department. The trust I have established is the best ‘business card’ that passes from mouth to mouth. I built piece by piece what I am today that is much more than I expected. And taking care of many things is the most intriguing part. As an example, I am collaborating with the Monaco Economic Board (MEB), where I am enrolled as a translator & interpreter in the framework of the business activities with Russia. Then, I would like to take this opportunity to reiterate my thanks to Guillaume Rose, CEO of the Monaco Economic Board for his long-lasting confidence in our collaboration, and his team who can always count on my being actively present in their network.
The same happens for the Club of Foreign Residents in Monaco (CREM) that I really consider as my ‘family’, contributing to President Madame Louisette Azzoaglio Levy-Soussan’s and Director Chris Dhondt’s precious efforts to welcome new members of various nationalities who are establishing themselves here to live or to do business. This role truly represents my cosmopolitan DNA and I was honored to become part of the Board of Directors first and then, to be named General Secretary.

HelloMonaco: Reliability is essential in your field of expertise, what makes you unique compared to others?
EL: I never considered other colleagues as ‘competitors’ on the assumption that everyone has his own competence and I always try to make my knowledge available, my savoir faire, in nearly all environments I look after. My client-oriented assistance is all-round and my customers show they appreciate it and remain faithful.
Besides, I prefer to put into practice common synergies with other translators and interpreters operating in the Principality. I believe that Unity is Strength. This approach led me to create a long-lasting and solid partnership with the translation agency “CATS Traduction” to develop a qualified free and sworn translation service. My last greatest achievement, fulfilled together with my colleagues, is the creation of the Monaco Employers’ Chamber of Translators, Interpreters and Language Trainers, with the kind authorization of the Monaco Government. It is a fantastic goal for us and such an honour for me to become the Chamber President.

HelloMonaco: Do you have a dream you would like to fulfill?
EL: On the job front, I wish I can further improve my professional activity. I am working on a project which encompasses all my best expectations and accomplishes all my strengths but I cannot tell you more.
HelloMonaco: Which further language would you like to learn?
EL: I would love to learn Monegasque as my fifth language. My elder son had been practicing it at school for a while, to a certain degree, and the little one will just start learning it. I like it very much considering it a crucial element of the local cultural identity that must be preserved and implemented. I wish to achieve this goal in the near future.
HelloMonaco: What is happiness for you?
E.L.: Being happy is both a personal and human experience, constantly seeking a full personal and professional fulfillment aimed at a permanent stability, final target of a life-lasting route. Instead, being happy in one single moment does not give happiness. I am testing this feeling more and more resulting from a steady mix of professional satisfaction, intellectual balance, the sense of motherhood and love.