Wellness and Beauty

With the growing popularity of the gluten-free diet you may be wondering what’s wrong with gluten and whether you should be avoiding it too.
16 May, 2020
Great skin leaves a lasting impression. And as one of the most obvious parts of us that signals aging, we all want to protect its health and prevent premature lines and wrinkles.
9 May, 2020
You already know that what you eat affects how you look and how you feel.
25 Apr, 2020
Most of us live with constant stress. We’re overworked, under-nourished, exposed to environmental toxins and often under considerable emotional pressure.
11 Apr, 2020
Do We Need Immune Support? Today, in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, when there is no vaccine and doctors are only trying to develop a treatment protocol, it is especial to rely on your strengths and your own immune system.
4 Apr, 2020
An island of serenity and beauty on Lake Geneva. The name of this town is world-famous, evoking the purity of water and the benefits of nature. Evian offers you a replenishing experience amidst its lush greenery and peace.
22 Jan, 2020
Taking care of yourself is, above all, about finding a beautiful spot where everything contributes to the serenity of your soul and the well-being of your body. The Hotel Ile Rousse, in Bandol, is one of a kind.
14 Nov, 2019
Summer is the perfect holiday season. That is also the period of the year when we want to relax and throw off «the chains» that are weighing us down.
14 Aug, 2019
The French Riviera is famous for its indecently high concentration of sunny days. So it is simply impossible to resist practicing outdoor sports. And why should we resist? Outdoor sessions help us diversify our fitness routine, relaunch an established sporting practice, and most importantly, soak in oxygen and vitamin D.
16 Jul, 2019
The beach season and trendy summer fashion collections are «pushing» us toward sporty exploits and restrictive diets. Certain extreme measures in pursuit of a perfect figure, however, may have the reverse effect...
10 Jul, 2019
Spring is the right time to get ready for the summer; start looking after yourself and indulging in a number of beauty treatments. Where would be a good start? Sort out your sleep. Good sleep would be a great start.
25 Apr, 2019
Europe uses the term "bio”, and in English, these products are called “organic”. Different words to mean the same: products produced without the use of synthetic pesticides, fertilisers, growth regulators, artificial food additives or genetically modified foods (GMOs).
9 Feb, 2019
When advising my international patients on various issues, I increasingly see how people who care about their health, regardless of their background and residence, repeatedly fall into some dangerous «traps». For many, the consequences are costly, both in financial terms and healthwise.
10 Jan, 2019
This year World Class Monaco is celebrating its third anniversary. Hello Monaco’s editor-in-chief, Olga Taran, interviewed the manager of World Class Monaco, Dmitry Grishin, on the club’s results and future plans.
8 Nov, 2018